CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Indiana Family Expresses Benefits of Cannabis Oil for Epileptic Daughter, Hope for SB15


Indiana Family Expresses Benefits of Cannabis Oil for Epileptic Daughter, Hope for SB15

Indiana Senator Jim Tomes sees parents in the Hoosier state struggling to find medicine to help their child suffering from epileptic seizures. Senate Bill 15 would give them another option, another opportunity for hope. “I’m finally getting to…


  1. People in need of medicine should never be denied,those truly in need of Cannabis Oil to help with seizures should have this medicine readily available to use, sad truth of the matter is lobbyists,politicians,and big Pharma are making big time money on pharmaceutical drugs, they get people hooked on their drugs for life and it doesn’t help the patient either,if cannabis oil does help with seizures well not just a yes ,but a hell yes it should be made legal and available

  2. Tomes is on the right side here. If he’d have attached this measure to one of his gun bills it would have sailed right through. This should be a no-brainer even for the Indiana legislature, but it probably won’t be.

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