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CHANNEL 44 NEWS: Conservative John Hayden Will Fill Ward Three City Council Seats Seat Immediately.


The pick for who will fill the City Council seat left vacant by Anna Hargis is in. The two candidates running to fill the Ward Three seat addressed Vanderburgh County Republicans during a caucus Saturday morning.

Candidates Alan Leibundguth and John Hayden spoke about why they are running for office. Then, the caucus voted and chose.

Wayne Park, Chairman of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party says, “We had two candidates that came in and the precede? committee men of ward three, heard speeches from each of the candidates and then they voted secret ballots and they end up choosing John Hayden to be replacement for Anna Hargis.”

Hargis announced she was stepping down from City Council in July.

She recently accepted a position with Merrill Lynch and was not allowed to serve a public office.

Hayden will fill the Ward Three seat on council immediately.


  1. spoke to hayden yesterday. he is a conservative alright. he also says he thinks trump should disown the white nationalists causing problems in virginia. that was refreshing to hear. finally a real man

  2. IS IT TRUE that Park & Co. / Winnie backed Alan and like so many other Republican selections where Park & Co. injected there so-called influence, they came up snake-eyes . . .moral of the story, if you are a Republican and will be dealing with a caucus, beg Winnecke & Park not to support your candidacy . . .

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