Chamber to Kick off Fun Steps Program


Thursday, August 4
11:30 a.m.
The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana, 318 Main Street, 4th Floor of Innovation Pointe

Tomorrow, approximately 65 volunteers from Evansville’s Young Professionals Network (YPN) and fourth grade teachers from three EVSC elementary schools will be at The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana to kick off the Fun Steps Program, a program that teaches students the importance of healthy living and exercise. The program, sponsored by Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, Kosair Children’s Hospital, The Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana’s Young Professionals Network, and the EVSC Center for Family, School, and Community Partnerships, is aimed at fourth grade students at Hebron, Stockwell and West Terrace.

The kick-off event will begin at 11:30 a.m. with a check presentation for the funding of the program. Then trainers from Kosair will explain the program to volunteers and teachers and teach them how to implement it in classroom lessons and other activities.


  1. the evsc is another political group that needs to be watched ,they are a bunch of money grabbers trying to break the bank and line their own pockets

  2. @ evilletaxpayer: the money went to Kosair’s Children’s Hospital, not to the EVSC. The EVSC isn’t receiving any money, just time donated by young professionals in the community who are interested in teachin kids to make healthier choices.

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