Chains We Can Believe In: A Humorous Analysis of the Obama Campaign


“He just isn’t bright” – Rudi Giuliani on Joe Biden

The current administration is “Intellectually exhausted,” as Mitt Romney points out, and is now in “rope-a-dope” mode, trying as best it can to avoid answering any substantive questions on its record.

As Rush Limbaugh has championed, this is “the Kardashian president.” He is long on charisma, short on substance and out of his depth on what to do with the economy other than tax and spend. Obama did sheepishly admit at another swing state campaign stop that the economy has slowed. Indeed, for the same reasons that Michael Jackson slowed down in 2009 – making poor decisions and relying on quacks for advice.
Both Ryan and Obama were campaigning at the Iowa fair, where Obama bought 10 beers for people (actually he taxed us for six beers and borrowed the cost of the four other beers from China), and ate fried pork with his hands. Ryan was offered greasy fair food and declined – probably because he knows Medicare is going bankrupt and it will be up to him to stay healthy if he wants to live.

Iowa hates having politicians there all the time, but when they leave farmers have to fertilize their crops themselves.

Obama has avoided answering questions from even his own lapdogs in the mainstream media. This past week he went on Entertainment Tonight, and even provided us some crucial policy insight when he told a New Mexico disc jockey his favorite chili. The other softball question he got asked was, “If you could have a superpower, what would it be?” Certainly not the USA!

As we learn Barack’s favorite colors, sports teams and foods, the country is going Ba-roke.
All the Left does is say that Romney, who made lots of money on his own, paid taxes along the way, then sold the company and paid taxes again. Then with the proceeds he invested in companies and paid the legal 15 percent capital gains and dividend tax rates. And when he dies, will pay another $125 million plus in estate taxes.

For some reason Democrats are more obsessed with how Romney spends his own money rather than how Obama is spending ours. I have never seen a campaign that tries more to misdirect the debate from the issues that our country faces – “the economy, stupid” – to personal issues of a man who is truly a Boy Scout and clean as a whistle. Romney and Ryan look like father and son pharmacist in a small town. Joe “Plugs” Biden, with his capped teeth, reminds me of a man who would be a lookout for a dice game.

The Obama administration is such a disaster that even Jimmy Carter is comparing him to Jimmy Carter. It is so bad that the Democrat National Convention will have ex-President Carter as a speaker. It will excite Democrats and serve as a stark reminder that keeping a young, disastrous president to just one term is not enough to keep him from being an ongoing annoyance for life – with full Secret Service protection. In fact, as penance for haggling with hookers, Secret Service agents should be sentenced to a year of traveling with Jimmy Carter.

In an all-time low, Obama’s Chicago-style political operatives have accused Romney of killing an ex-employee’s wife (never mind that she died seven years after he left Bain, of the cancer they imply he caused). Chicago has been mad ever since getting out-bribed for the Olympics last year. Obama is using such misdirection and sleight-of-hand politics that he might be required to join the Brotherhood of Magician Illusionists Local 2012 or else face a large fine from the union.

The next thing you know, Senator Harry Reid will get his constituent O.J. Simpson to call a press conference to announce that he has finally tracked down his wife’s killer and it turned out to be Mitt Romney.

Just to close on Joe Biden’s comment to blacks in Virginia that Romney wants to “put y’all back in chains,” let me say this: Democrats believe the government should provide housing, work and food, and tell people who they can “jump the broom with” in return for controls over virtually every aspect of life and their vote. I am not sure how that differs from much from slavery.

Freedom is the opposite of slavery, and always the best course.

Source: Orange County Register, Ron Hart


  1. Chain, chain, chain, chain, chain, chain
    Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools
    For four long years I thought you were my man
    But I found out I’m just a link in your chain
    You got me where you want me
    I ain’t nothing but your fool
    You treated me mean oh you treated me cruel
    Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools

    * * * * * * * * *

    Sing it sister!


  2. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result….neither candidate is even remotely close to ideal, so it’s a case of the devil we know vs the devil we don’t know, one thing is for sure IMHO 4 more years like the last 4 and we’ll all be looking for a savior to pull our fat out of the fire….it’s painfully obvious that the government can not spend their way out of this mess, so if cuts are the only way then lets get to cutting.

    The liberal media liked to say that Bush 2 put the economy in the ditch and the Obama drove us out of said ditch….from the skid marks it looks like he went right across the road and into a much bigger and deeper ditch and the economy actually overturned with no hope of being driven out of by any person or thing.

    What is required now?….a cutting torch, a lock box for the ignition keys, and revoke the drivers license, and before any of you jump on me I’ll say it again neither choices we have has a credible solution or really a snowballs chance of getting this wreck we call our economy out of the ditch, what is fer sure’ is that we have been doing the wrong things and going in the wrong direction for the last 4 years.

    Then again it is JMHO

    • Actually it was a democratic controlled congress than passed new laws forcing banks and lenders to loan to low credit individuals or the lenders must automatically pay big penality amounts for each person rejected. Please feel free to research this, as it is correct. That started the inflation spiral on housing as bankers thought they could flip the risky mortgage to another lender for a slight discount and gain something from the transaction instead of an automatic penality.

  3. Well said Mr. CCO Editor!

    I have a hunch who ccotruthsquard. is. If my suspicions are correct, he is left wing nut!

    Glad you told kicked him off the site!

  4. Great article. This is a huge election where the US can stand for its core beliefs and self sufficiency that made this the greatest Country in the world, much due the WW II generation. Or we slide into the Barak Obama’s progresive socialist dream where hard work is dismissed as winning life’s lottery and the people that pay no tax need to get money if the working taxpayers get a reduction in the taxes they pay. Think of your children and grandchildren, we could end up like Greece or Italy if Obama is re-elected, its that important.

  5. Wonderful evaluation, thank you. You-all out there remind me of us folks down here in Florida. We are realists and many of us know we made a mistake with our independent votes in the last election. We now think a business man will make a better President than a Lawyer, any day of the week, escecally in this bad economy. BTY: speaking of Democratic mistakes, we have been waiting for Al Gore’s rising flood waters from global warming for 45 years and the water in Tampa Bay here is not a fraction of an inch higher than almost fifty years ago.

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