Central High School to Host February Traveling City Hall Meeting


City of Evansville Seal

Five programmable weather radios will be given away
Residents will have a chance to win a free programmable weather radio at the Traveling City Hall meeting Wednesday, Feb. 27, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Central High School, 5400 N. First Avenue. The meeting will be held in the school’s cafeteria.
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will welcome guest and introduce city department heads and elected officials present at the meeting. Emergency Management Agency Director Sherman Greer will give a brief presentation on severe weather preparedness, and drawings will be held to give away five weather radios provided by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Individuals must be present to win.
Traveling City Hall meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at different locations in neighborhoods throughout the city. Residents are welcome to attend any session to meet one-on-one with Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and city department heads to address specific issues or simply discuss the status of our community.
The next Traveling City Hall meeting will be Wednesday, March 27, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Red Bank Branch Library, 120 S. Red Bank Road.