CCO’s History of Educating the Public about Vectren’s Excessive Rates


December 1, 2010: It is time for Vectren to Explain Why SW Indiana is an ISLAND of Exorbitant Electricity Rates

December 1, 2010

December 6, 2010: IS IT TRUE

December 7, 2010: IS IT TRUE

December 9, 2010: IS IT TRUE

December 11, 2010: IS IT TRUE

July 9, 2011: Evansville Competitive Realities Report


  1. Does anyone have ready access to the salaries paid to the big dogs at Vectren ? When Neil Ellerbrook retired a few years ago, when the C&P was still reporting, a list of the annual salaries was posted. Wonder how Vectren’s executive compensation compares to other utilities ? Is the average of 55% more due to a lavish lifestyle being enjoyed, on the citizens dime , by the Vectren executives ? I have never worked at Vectren, but honestly: how hard can it be to be an executive of a monopoly ? Should it really pay such outsized salaries to these local guys ? Do executives of a regulated monopoly really deserve compensation greater than the private sector, where competition reigns ? Does the Indiana Regulatory Commission (IRC) buy their rubber stamps and inkpads at the same store frequented by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission (ERC) ?

  2. I agree with the fact that this kind of information is sickening. I know plenty of otherwise middle income families who struggle every single freaking month to cover their ever increasing utility bill from Vectren when just the facts that come to my mind are as follows.

    1. Abusive and excessive Executive Compensation

    2. Millions spent annually for political and special interest contributions.
    3. Millions spent annually for unnecessary advertising..Those idiotic billboards, the Vectren Radio Network for the Colts games, those high polished actors telling us how to spend a bunch of money to conserve a little energy.
    4. An excessive building on one of the most desirable pieces of real estate in Evansville so these over-paid Executives can look out at the river, never mind the fact we had to destroy a perfectly good high rise building to give it to them when half of downtown is vacant.

    There is plenty more abuses I am sure of. But the bottom line is what on earth can we do about it? I am all for private enterprise and a free market system with little government intrusion, but when you operate a monopoly providing a necessity in a protected marketplace, you have no right to operate unregulated. How can a political regulatory group such as the IRC allow this kind of abusive expenditures to go unchallenged?

    I would fully expect an IRC at the minimum to enforce the following on Vectren or any other monopoly.

    Reasonable compensation to all employees. Seriously, I am certain a qualified CEO can be found in the 100K range. Like others have pointed out, your managing a freaking monopoly.

    Absolutely NO political contributions of ANY kind.

    Absolutely NO advertising of any kind outside of the bill inserts. You want to tell us an energy tip, stick in the bill.

    Props to the CCO for bringing these abuses to the limelight, too bad the mainstream media is too dependent on their advertising to do the same.

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