CCO Trailing Year Internet Traffic Well Over a Million Pageviews


From Google Analytics for Period from July 19, 2011 to July 19, 2012

Visits: 363,739

Unique Visitors: 92,393

Pageviews: 1,159,507


  1. I bet a few and past elected officials are surprized about this news.

    They need to take a bow also. If they didn’t do stupid stuff no one would had read the CCO.

    Joe Wallace -job well done!

  2. Amazing news. I bet the Courier isn’t happy with this news.

    Great job Mr. Wallace!

  3. Glad to hear that the CCO didn’t accept the recent offer to purchase.

    Major deal in reaching this milestone.

    Loved the back room salary deal article. Once again the CCO caught self serving elected officials hands in the cookie jar.

  4. I bet Missy, Connie, Weaver and the past and present Mayor’s aren’t happy about this news.

    Proud of what you did Mr. Wallace for the community and the CCO during the last couple of years!

  5. On behalf of the Mayor, I say “great job CCO for pointing out my business short comings. Also “With your continued help I shall make needed improvements to become financial responsible leader”.

    I’m glad I was able to help to increase your readship numbers. Impressive milestone CCO!

  6. Not bad for an on line rag blog that wants to be a newspaper.

    If only the real on line newspaper rag (Evansville Couier) could have achieve this type of on line readership results.

    Oh well, so much for being “A Community Watchdog”!

    Great job Joe Wallace!

  7. No big surprize here.

    Joe Wallace is a masterful with the “Kings English”

    One heck of a marketing man.

    Oh, congratuations to rest of CCO staff.

  8. Well-well. One hell of an achievement CCO staff.

    I bet the political types don’t like hearing this news.

    Meassage to Winnenke, Abell, Robinson, Weaver anf Mosby please keep on doing stupid stuff and and cutting backroom political deals so CCO can enhance their number even more.

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