Home Breaking News CCO Reader To Tell Us Who They Are Endorsing In Upcoming Primary...

CCO Reader To Tell Us Who They Are Endorsing In Upcoming Primary Races.


The City-County has been watching the candidates in the upcoming primary election. When we see some of the whispering campaigns and dirty tricks certain candidates are rolling out, it gets tempting to endorse candidates who are not engaged in the nastiness. We are resisting the urge to do so, but we do think that our readers may want to express their thoughts on who they want to see emerge victorious from the May 3 primary races.

We have the highest confidence in the political judgment of CCO readers. Those who visit our site are the people who have a true interest in what is happening inside Evansville politics and government and they are much better informed than the average Evansvillian.

Because of our confidence in our readers of both parties, we are going to be asking our reader to tell us who you are endorsing in upcoming primary races. We will be posting our “unscientific but trendy” polls in the coming days to see exactly who appeals to those who are interested in good public policy and governmental transparency. We are looking forward to seeing what our polls show. While we do not pretend that there is any scientific basis in our polling, CCO bloggers do have a good record of predicting winners in local elections.

The primary election polling shall be conducted in our “Readers Poll” section.

Todays primary election polling question is: Who do you endorse in the Republican primary for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?

Please be sure to vote on CCO and at the polling place!!


  1. I’d like to know how well your unscientific polls have done in past elections. What were the polling numbers for state and local elections?

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