CCO Publishing of Candidate Position Papers


All Relevant Position Papers for all Candidates will be Published without Edit or Bias

The City County Observer would like to extend the courtesy of publication to all candidates for the 2011 City of Evansville election. The criteria for publication is that the topic should be of relevance and interest to the voters of Evansville. We will not edit the length of any position paper and will not create any headline or subtitle that may bias the content of any candidate.

The kinds of topics that we are interested in are things like jobs, the economy, general improvements, smoking ordinances, the McCurdy, the downtown Hotel, Roberts Stadium, public works projects, tax abatement policies, the greening of Evansville, reversing brain drain, crime prevention, etc. etc. etc.

Please do not send in the same article multiple times and please do not attack your opponent. This is very much about each of you having a forum to make a case why a vote for you is a good decision for the City of Evansville. Make the most of it.

Incumbents, please share what are you proudest accomplishments and biggest disappointments of your service as our leaders.

We do not limit our offer to those topics and encourage creativity among those who seek to serve us by seeking elected office.

The City County Observer thanks each and every candidate in advance for your contributions.

Position Papers may be submitted by email in Word format to:


  1. CCO, just want you to know that I, and I suspect others, don’t always comment, but We are out here smiling a lot, and appreciate your efforts.

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