CCO files Freedom of Information Act Request for Details of WIFI deal with Johnson Controls


City County Observer Request

Joe Wallace, Publisher
City County Observer
218 Rosemarie Court
Evansville, IN 47715
812 431-3877

November 22, 2011

Office of the Mayor of Evansville Indiana and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission


Dear Records Request Officer:

Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and copies of all contracts, studies, requests for proposal (RFP), project labor agreements (PLA), terms of payment, estimates of savings, and other pertinent documentation associated with the recently announced agreement between the City of Evansville and/or its surrogates and Johnson Controls and its associated subcontractors and/or surrogates.

To be more specific the project that I refer to is the recently announced project worth approximately $50 Million that will pay for itself in savings and enhance the public WIFI, the intelligence gathering, the meter reading capacity of the City of Evansville. I also request any and all studies that indicate that the Evansville region will rise from its present 368th of 370 ranking to at least 92nd in the study that the Coalition commissioned with respect to internet connectivity.

I agree to pay up to $100 to cover the cost of copying the document.

If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.

Thank you for your assistance.


Joe J. Wallace

Joe Wallace, Publisher
City County Observer

City of Evansville Response:

November 22, 2011

Joe Wallace, Editor
City County Observer
218 Rosemarie Court
Evansville, IN 47715

Re: Public Records Request

Dear Mr. Wallace:

The Office of the Mayor received the written request (attached) that you submitted via email to the Mayor’s Office and Evansville Redevelopment Commission for “access to and copies of all contracts, studies, requests for proposal (RFP), project labor agreements (PLA), terms of payment, estimates of savings, and other pertinent documentation associated with the recently announced agreement between the City of Evansville and/or its surrogates and Johnson Controls and its associated subcontractors and/or surrogates” and, further, for “any and all studies that indicate that the Evansville region will rise from its present 368th of 370 ranking to at least 92nd in the study that the Coalition commissioned with respect to internet connectivity.”

This response to your written request is made pursuant to Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act, I.C.5-14-3 et seq. The Office of the Mayor and/or other City departments may have records that are responsive to your request and is in the process of retrieving and reviewing the necessary files. A response will be provided on or before December 20, 2011, to advise you of our findings. Pursuant to I.C.5-14-3-8, a fee for copying any records in response to your request may be charged to you and payment of such costs must be made prior to releasing copies of public records. It is understood that you agree to pay up to $100.00 to cover the cost of copying documents.



Katy Nimnicht
Communications Director
Office of Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel
City of Evansville
One N.W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Civic Center, Room 302
Evansville, IN 47708


  1. The contract has been announced, so it physically exists. Clearly a Public Record. The City should, if they haven’t already, create a PDF file and e-mail it to the requester at ‘no charge’.

  2. I believe that attorney Mark S. Moore of Baker & Daniels addressed the ERC on the financing of this project. I spoke briefly with him at that meeting but do not recall the date. I will send you his contact info.


    • 1) What possible role would the ERC have with a contract involving the Evansville Water Utility ?;

      2) Baker & Daniels ? How about an FOIA of “all legal fees paid to law firms in Indy” ???; and

      3) Cue the Beach Boys . . . if the ERC heard about the financing of this deal, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” if that was reflected in a timely published Meeting Minutes ?

      • Yeah…”timely. If DMD was able to get things done on-time, it might leave time for someone to catch on to their shenanigans before they are approved.

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