Catch the latest edition of the “Indiana State Police Road Show†radio program every Monday morning at your convenience.
This week’s show features Sara Hunter of Sara Hunter Photography. Sara is a photographer that focuses on both event and portrait photography. Sara discusses the “Thin Blue Line Project†calendar that showcases law enforcement officers as the people they are behind the uniform. 100% of the profit from the calendar sales will be donated to C.O.P.S, Concerns of Police Survivors. Further information on the Thin Blue Line Project can
be found at
Download the program from the Network Indiana public websites at Look for the state police logo on the main page and follow the download instructions. The ISP Road Show can also be viewed via YouTube.
Go to or visit the Indiana State Police website at  and click on the YouTube link. This 15 minute talk show concentrates on public safety and informational topics with state wide interest.
The radio program was titled “Signal-10†in the early sixties when it was first started by two troopers in northern Indiana. The name was later changed to the “Indiana State Police Road Show†and is the longest continuously aired state police public service program in Indiana.
Radio stations across Indiana and the nation are invited to download and air for FREE this public service program sponsored by the Indiana State Police Alliance and Cops for Kids, a subsidiary of the Indiana State Police Alliance.