Cartoon of the Bacchanalian Fest vs. Ballfield and Arena Spending

Arena = 512,000 Bottles, Ballfields = 72,000 Bottles and that's OKAY??? but 5 Bottles for Christmas is unacceptable???


  1. Where’s the cartoon that has the truth?…

    You know 10,000 paying fans for a concert, a revitalized downtown, and a little bit of momentum for Evansville vs 14 untalented drunks who probably drove home?

    That’s the real cartoon!

  2. O Bull

    72% of this county did NOT want that stadium in that location. SOMEONE rammed it down our thoats.

    The only reason they want to get rid of the old stadium is to eliminate the competition for the new one.

  3. Yeah, Rail!

    I mean, Evansville needs a Nickelback concert…the sign of every “world class city.”

    It’s worth every bit of $200MM, right?


    • I can’t stand Nickelback, but yea, these types of facilities will enhance the quality of life in Evansville. This arena will bring in legends just like Roberts Stadium did (which btw SAVE ROBERTS STADIUM!).

      Now I will give you this: They built this new arena WAY too small. But then again, the penny pinchers who are complaining about the current price are partially to blame for that as well.

  4. RailOverAuto – the cartoon seems to be more of a critique of the mayor.

    Your vision of a revitalized downtown is not yet a truth. I’d like it to be revitalized, but I also think there are better things to spend 200Mil on.

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