Mayor Winnecke’s Fund Raising Exit Strategy ?


For the first time in modern day history that an Evansville Mayoral candidate has raised over $1 Million dollars.  Political fundraising reports indicates that Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has raised about $1.2 million dollars with about 13 days left in the campaign.

Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken  has raised less than $400,000 so far in her quest to be elected the first female Mayor in Evansville 200 year history.

When former Mayor Jonathan Winezapfel left office he was able to take with him around $750,000 to use for any future political activity as he deemed  necessary.

If Mayor Winnecke is defeated by Gail Riecken its predicted that he shall take with him over $1 million dollars of his surplus political war chest political with him as he leaves office?   Mayor Winnecke will also be able to use his surplus campaign contributions for any future political activities as he deemed necessary. once he leaves office.

Enjoy this political cartoon.


    • If one adds up the total donations for Ted Ziemer represented in the above linked document you will arrive at a total of ($37,152.11) for years 2013, 2014, and 2015.

  1. Exit Strategy: You’re assuming that Winnecke will loose the election.

    Keep in mind that Evansville is in the United States. The same country that re-elected Barack Hussein Obama, in spite of the fact that he is the worst President in history. He won partly because too many voters stayed home.

    Unless we ALL get out to vote to FIRE Winnecke, we will have to survive another 4 years with the poorest excuse for a piece of s#!t of a Mayor that we have had so far!

    • ….Obama is “the worst President in history?” Would someone please explain, IF THAT IS TRUE, how a majority of the population (a majority of the US popular vote) evidently DISAGREED with you and ELECTED OBAMA TWICE?
      Can you explain that HOYT?

      Or…..are you just mad…. “Well, my guy lost, so I gotta say that.”

      • A majority of those that voted in the 2012 election were too taken with the talk and promises of a politician who was first elected because white voters sought to ease their conscious about something they had absolutely nothing to do with: slavery. Those that elected him the first time were afraid of being called racist if they didn’t vote for him again.

        Hopefully, our country will recover from the eight years of President Obama’s rule.

      • Don,

        Elections determine the candidate who received the highest number of votes, not the quality of the winner.
        Obama won both presidential elections because the GOP’s candidates were both born losers, He is a relatively young man, and he had a winning campaign team. If he (Obama) solely ran his campaigns the way he’s run the Whitehouse, he would have been another forgotten election footnote.
        Obama’s actions over the past 7 years have damaged America many times more than the Soviet Union could have dreamed of in over 70 years.

        Sir, I’m not mad, I’m sad for America, as I’m sad for Evansville.

        • HOYT:…..and you make quite a few arguments that sound like a sore loser.
          In fact, you are dead wrong about Obama. Presidents are judged as ineffective if they get nothing done. In his first inaugural address, Obama outlined a sweeping agenda. The list of promises was specific: not only to rescue the economy from catastrophe but also to undertake sweeping long-term reforms in health care, foreign relations, education, energy, and financial regulation. His list of achievements is ENORMOUS, starting with passing something that changes the US forever the way Social Security, Medicare and the Equal Rights Amendment did: the Affordable Care Act (named after him!: Obamacare). Iran Agreement, rescue of GM, Cuba opening, gay marriage win at Supreme Court, Pacific Trade Agreement…you can go ON AND ON. It is a huge list.

          I am NOT saying these are good for the United States HOYT.
          Neither are YOU…in fact, YOU say they are all bad. Who cares. Many disagree with you.)
          But that bad boy Obama…….he has kicked the GOP’s ass for near 7 years now.
          He has NOT been in ineffective President. He has, in fact, kicked ass.

  2. Ask yourself WHY the high rollers are so interested in seeing that the Winky reign of big spending continues! None of the possible answers bode well for the people of this city. This is reason enough to VOTE FOR GAIL RIECKEN FOR MAYOR!

    • Actions have consequences, and Gail stepped in it when she dutifully ran off to Illinois with the rest of the pack. During all of the years prior to her actions, when the democrats were in power and ruled with an iron fist, the republican contingent never ran off to Illinois.

      I am sure that at that time she did not think her actions would ever come back to haunt her, but she was wrong.

      • You mean Gail didn’t just follow the law? She ignored it?
        Like that adulteress Clerk in Kentucky who is the role model for ignorant Christians…
        ….who refused to do her job?

        • No, Don. Like the adulterer Obama, who fails to enforce duly passed legislation he doesn’t agree with and enforces edicts he has made up.
          How is Obama an adulterer? Simple. He has screwed every legal American citizen and every American taxpayer.

        • Yep. Something tells me PAK was A Okay with that sow in Kentucky ignoring the law.

    • The mayor’s a big quid pro quo man, not to be mistaken for a squid pro quo boy although the similarities are unmistakable. Those people who bought him know he’ll come through when they call. The calamaristas. We get to pay the freight for his popularity with these people.

  3. Lloyd Winnecke was Jonathan Weinzapfel’s hand picked candidate for mayor:–pdfs-ep-444989874-326695291.html

    and his administration has been a continuation of business as usual of the type we saw under the Weinzapfel tax and overspend administration. I really believe that they set Winnecke up to take the fall when it became obvious that the future debt service would become untenable after their spending binge. We are seeing the signs now, and I doubt Winnecke will survive a second term before the bottom falls out.

  4. In today’s C&P, Sunday 10-25-2015, Len Wells informs us of financial slide towards the cliff that the State of Illinois is currently suffering. Can not or will not pay their lottery winners the amount they owe them, can not, or will not pay the utility bill for state owned facilities.

    All the give away programs of the past have come home to roost and the most liberal big city in the country is in deep trouble. What a shame the hard working citizens of southern Illinois will have to suffer for the sins of the liberal elite of Springfield and Chicago.

    • PRESSANYKEY…..”liberal elite”….what a joke reference. Bad management is bad management.
      No wonder no one takes you seriously and you’ve lost the culture war.

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