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Candidate Burton Speaks Out On Gift And Curse Of Social Media



Dear CCO Readers:

The gift and curse of social media has brought attention to yet another shooting involving a police officer. The graphic video that has hit the media is yet another incident in which police departments and their treatment of people is being questioned.

As a proud resident of Evansville, IN I can honestly say that our police department is ahead of many communities around the country. The Evansville Police Department has made progress, but it is imperative that the Evansville Police Department in conjunction with elected officials and community leaders strive to make things more perfect.

I have had the opportunity to share my concerns with the EPD long before my candidacy for City Council, At – Large. And as a candidate I will continue to strengthen my relationship with law enforcement for the benefit of every resident Evansville. It is a fact that our city needs law enforcement and I will continue my efforts to bridge the gap between residents and the police department.

Together, as one community composed of law enforcement, community leaders, and elected officials we can be the example that cities across the state and country can model after. I am confident in what we as a community can do to further improve police relations.

I will continue to have those uncomfortable conversations and find solutions to problems we face in a respectable and practical way, both as a candidate for city council and concerned citizen in Evansville.


Alex Burton

At Large Candidate For City Council


  1. The “KEY” to not being shot by police is DO NOT BUT YOURSELF IN THAT COMPROMISING POSITION!

    IF a police officer pulls you over, don’t run !
    If a cop ask you to stop while walking, don’t run.
    If a cop ask you to stop on your bike, don’t flip them the bird.
    If within the arm length of a cop, don’t grab him/her, or what is in their possession.
    If a cop tells you to get off the street and onto the sidewalk, you are “jaywalking” and nix your attitude!

    • Talking to the police about solving crimes and bettering the community is not an “idea”. What is you idea of an “Idea”? I’d love to know what you think should be done to stop crime in this community and keep the peace.

  2. I would love to see the key know-it-alls on this site actually run for elected office. It would be a real learning experience for all of us.

  3. How does one make something “more perfect? ” A whole statement of saying nothing. In fact, this kid has said nothing for 3 months. I’m not wasting a vote here.

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