CAJE Summons The People For Public Good This Evening AT The old National Banks Events Plaza



    Monday, April 20, 2015

    Old National Bank Events Plaza

    Facts& Statistics:

    People Matter: Mental Health – Intervention Not Incarceration

    * Over $100,000 is spent annually for the psychotropic medications of Vanderburgh Co. inmates.

    * Nationally, nearly 10 times as many people with mental health conditions are in jails or prisons than are in psychiatric facilities.

    * On any given day, in the Vanderburgh Co. jail alone, 50-100 inmates have a diagnosed mental health condition.

    Crisis Care Center Task Force Members Tom Shetler, Vanderburgh Co. Council Judge Robert Pigman Deaconess Cross Pointe NAMI, Evansville Evansville Police Department Vanderburgh Co. Sheriff’s Office Southwestern Behavioral Health St. Mary’s Health System

    People Matter: Affordable Housing – Safety & Stability

    * 10,000 families in the Evansville area are paying more than they can afford (30% of their monthly income) for rent.

    * Nearly 500 students in the EVSC district have been declared homeless at least once during the 2014-2015 school year.

    * “The cost burden [of housing] is the greatest for those who make the least.” Consolidated Housing and Community Development 2010-2014 Plan, submitted by the Evansville Department of Metropolitan Development. Page 40.

    * 700 cities across the nation use affordable housing trust funds to meet their cities housing needs. These trust funds can be funded through a variety of different sources such as the hotel tax, recorder’s fee and state and national trust funds.

    People Matter: Suicide & Overdose Prevention

    * Evansville’s suicide rate is double national average!

    * Naloxone (Narcan) is a highly-effective antidote for opioid overdoses.

    * Narcan is a simple nasal spray antidote to heroin and many prescription pain medications, such as Lortab, OxyContin, and others.

    * The antidote costs approximately $50-$60 per (2 dose) kit – a small price to pay for saving a life!


    6:00 Sign-In

    6:15 Gathering/Music St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

    6:30 Welcome/Opening Prayer Fr. Ed Schnur, St. Wendel

    6:35 Our Purpose & Ground Rules: Rev. Mitch Gieselman, Aldersgate UMC

    6:40 Updates on Past Victories Fr. Jay Davidson, St. Anthony Catholic Church

    6:45 Biblical Reflection Rev. Larry Rascoe, Nazarene Missionary Baptist

    6:53 Mental Health: Intervention Not Incarceration!

    The Problem Diane Fehrenbacher, St. Anthony Catholic Church

    Testimony Maggie Petrig

    The Solution Tashedah Adams, Mt. Olive of Galilee Baptist

    7:03 Statement of Support Tom Shetler, Vanderburgh Co. Council

    7:06 Commitments from Decision-Makers Diane Fehrenbacher

    Julie Dougan, St. Lucas United Church of Christ

    7:14 Affordable Housing: Safety and Stability!

    The Problem Sr. Jackie Kissel, St. Anthony Catholic Church

    Testimony Juliana Cheatham

    The Solution Paul Keller, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

    7:22 Statement of Support Beth Folz, Habitat for Humanity Executive Director

    7:25 Commitments from Decision-Makers William Krowl, St. Anthony

    Brenda Meyer, St. Anthony

    7:35 Overdose Response: Narcan Saves Lives!

    Issue Background Linda Wilkey, St. Lucas UCC

    Testimony Tony Rexing & Andrew Osborne

    7:40 Commitments from Decision-Makers Linda Henzman, Central United Methodist Church

    Rev. Larry Rascoe

    7:50 Next Steps and Closing words Rev. Marvin Barner, Mt. Olive of Galilee Baptist Church

    7:55 “We Are Called”


      “CAJE” is an acronym for Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment.

      Until the issues of Mental Health and Addiction are recognized for what they are – health matters …these “fact of life” conditions will not be effectively addressed. Incarcerating addicts and the mentally ill makes as much sense as hospitalizing violent criminals.

      Regarding Evansville’s sky-high suicide rate: it is the failure of us – and our system – to properly deal with the issues of homelessness – mental health – addiction – and other tests of our compassion – that contributes to and is indeed responsible for – many of these unfortunate deaths – and remember: …these are not just statistics – there is a real person – lost to himself and the world – as the end result.

      Regarding the “NARCAN” issue: …if we – as a community – fail to embrace this life-saving technique – the lives lost as the result – are truly laid at our feet and are accountable to us.
      Regarding the cost: …if we we can continue to find the money to revitalize the downtown district – we can find the money to save some peoples lives – even if they might the lives of addicts.

      We – as a society – and ultimately as individuals – must find the will – strength and courage – to recognize and reverse
      “what is – and what should never be.”

      The good folks at CAJE – are doing just that. …

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