BUTLER!! Halfway There Living on a Prayer


Shelvin Mack’s 3 Pointer Shifts Momentum at Half

The Butler Bulldogs shot terribly from the field (22%) in the first half but holds a 22 – 19 lead at halftime in the NCAA Division I basketball championship from Houston. Speaking for all Hoosiers and basically for anyone that is not from Connecticut or an alumnus of UCONN, the City County Observer says, “20 More Minutes Like that and the NCAA Championship will be BACK HOME IN INDIANA!

Bulldogs, this song is for you!!!!!! Give it a shot!!!


  1. That was one ugly half but as long as Butler wins this could be one of the greatest games in NCAA tournament history.

  2. Well so much for that.

    Looks like the Butler Bulldogs are 1/2 way to becoming the Buffalo Bills.

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