BREAKING NEWS Buses Carrying EVSC Students Involved in Crash in Louisville

According to a Facebook post from Evansville Watch, two EVSC charter buses were involved in a pileup on I-71 this morning, just north of the Louisville I-265 bypass. Minor injuries were reported.
WLKY in Louisville reported that seven people had minor injuries, and one student was transported to Norton Children’s Hospital.
Six buses were carrying EVSC High School Honors Orchestra, Band, and Choir students to Ohio State University this morning for an event. An hour after the crash, three buses were still at the scene; the other three had turned around and were heading home. The occupants of the involved bus were moved to the other two buses still on the scene.
All students will now be returning home.


  1. So we close the schools here in Vanderburgh County before the first snowflake hits the ground but it’s appropriate to send six buses to Ohio after a snowfall of two or three inches. Interesting.

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