Bucshon Just Doesn’t Get it


    Last week, Congressman Bucshon made a spectacle of telling 8th District voters how he planned to speak with President Obama during his visit to Gibson County. The congressman published a piece in the Evansville Courier, which once again served as a testament to his obsession about the so-called “war on coal.”
    Our congressman made national headlines a few weeks ago regarding his statements on global climate change. He embarrassed himself and, more importantly, our district with his uninformed claims about the growing number of climatologists who are warning us about the dangers of many of the pollutants we are putting into our air and how they affect our environment. He warned against “scare tactics on both sides,” when in reality he consistently resorts to scare tactics on this issue. And why not? He has effectively convinced a large number of the 30,000 coal miners here in Indiana’s 8th District that, without Bucshon, they will lose their jobs.
    Congressman Bucshon is convincing in his attempts to portray himself as someone who protects the working man. He will send out mailings on the taxpayers’ dime telling these individuals he is here to protect their jobs. In reality, his loyalty lies with the giant corporations who regularly fill his campaign coffers—Peabody Energy, Murray Energy, and Koch Industries. We saw this a few years ago when he specifically blamed coal miners for contracting black lung disease.
    We need to change the conversation. It is time to start finding cleaner alternative energy solutions, and a congressman who continues to receive tens of thousands of dollars from Big Coal is not going to have an interest in doing so. Coal will work in the short-term, but it’s time we start asking ourselves: don’t our children and grandchildren deserve clean air?
    The future is now. And it is time to truly stop with the scare tactics and find better solutions for the well-being of those who come along after us.
    To learn more about my campaign to represent Indiana’s 8th District in Congress, visit my website at www.spanglerforcongress.com.


    1. Everything Mr. Spangler said about Bucshon is true. He is unfit for congress. You’d have to wonder about the level of his commitment to medicine, he bailed when he saw an opportunity to get a decent paycheck for doing nothing. Cashier him in November, he is a truly worthless congressman and a bad human being.

      • Larry the loser is a perfect fit as a republican congressman. Larry is bought and paid for by the coal and petroleum industries. In exchange for their campaign contributions Larry is eager and willing to spew the most absurd lies, preposterous fossil fuel propaganda, and build the most dishonest and deceitful strawmen in order to serve and protect his paymasters.

        The dullards here cheer him on vociferously while their children are poisoned, their rivers and streams polluted and the greenhouse gases emitted threaten the delicate atmospheric and geological chemistry that insures are very survival. But who cares!! Got to make a buck!

        A college student who wants to vote with an ID without an expiration date is a threat to our democracy but politicians being bought and sold by the oligarchs is FREEDUM!! Republican “LOGIC”

    2. Right on. Congressman Buschon is a BOOB and should be kicked out of office by the voters of the 8 th district on IN ASAP. The guy is a liar.

      If anything is killing coal it’s the lower prices and cleaner natural gas that’s being used more often than coal. And the Congressman as a so called Dr knows that burning coal makes pollution that leads to more heart disease. I guess he figures he can make more money operating on more hearts by making sure that coal continues to pollute our air and creating more open heart patients for that stupid fat slob of a congressman. He is a self serving liar IMHO. Coal is a dirty fuel and needs to be put on the back burner. We need more cleaner alternative sources of energy for this country and people like Larry Buscon need to get out of the way.

      • That’s just about the response from President Obama himself during the audience sessions Q&A in GIBSON county last week.
        Best use resource logistics , additionally balanced with clean burn gas technologies, coal balances sustained with R&D forward for the tipping points.
        Thinking scientific American solutions brought on by planet wide changing climate migrations for Energy application sustainability .
        Coal has a thermodynamic exchange value, more efficient use is more value. Congressman Buschon kind of came out looking like the chump with your local mainstreams coverage.

        He seemed to just be commiserating his support bases view points, which might be due another look and a little change forward. Its adjustable at the polls that’s about all you have there.

        • ‘This Changes Everything’ ~~ Klein
          Good book. Bucshon could read it, but why?

          Carbon Larry will probably get one more trip then it’s back to the operating room if one’ll have him. He’ll find out you can’t just pour your mass into a chair and wait for your check to be deposited without doing anything at all for the district. He’s got a free ride the last few years, yukking it up with the likes of Lloyd Winnecke and hobnobbing with his fellow Teabaggers.

          Time to start working on getting him out of there. We might be able to weaken him a bit by voting for Mr. Spangler this time, if he racks up enough votes maybe the Democrats would make unseating Bucshon a priority instead of looking the other way while he makes a national fool of himself.

    3. I think you might be confused Tom, or a rather simplistic thinker, or a calculating author of tripe, as in nonsense: something absurd, untrue, or worthless . The EPA at least once a decade lowers the acceptable limits of pollutants in the air and they occasionally add new pollutants to the list.

      This is an easy one to prove. The only places where the air might be getting dirtier is the West Coast as the pollutants from Asia filter to the United States. About a decade or so ago, they did a study and found out that the air coming for Asia into the United States is dirtier than the air going to Europe.

      From epa.com : “The average American breathes more than 11,000 liters of air enough to fill a tanker truck every day! Thats why air pollution puts us at risk for serious health problems like heart disease, asthma, cancer and other illnesses. In the 40 years since the Clean Air Act went into effect, weve reduced 60% of the dangerous air pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, lead poisoning and more. clean air innovations like smokestack scrubbers and catalytic converters in automobiles have helped. Today, new cars are 98 percent cleaner than in 1970 in terms of smog-forming pollutants. This change has made Americans healthier.”

      So much for the theory that the United States in general or a particular political party doesn’t care about the Earth. Or that Representative Bucshon carries any responsibility for your invented boogie man.

      • Boring retort ,as usual. New objectives make for better end point goal orientation. Thus value. It also creates new science, technology, and employment opportunity. And something else you seem to despise growth and equal opportunity. So much for your brand of politics (ie; BS), as well.

    4. Of all folks to be making judgement calls on content V? Your rambling diatribes are as disjointed an example of a sloppy assassination of english composition as one will ever find. I can only assume your incomplete sentences and partial thoughts are to baffle the masses with bullshit versus sustaining and advancing any discussion. Do you have a developmental disability you are attempting to overcompensate for? As for my brand of politics, it isn’t steeped in delusion as yours is. You call a direct quote from the EPA BS? Me thinks you get apoplectic when your premise is effectively challenged. Attacking the messenger is the tact you ALWAYS resort to. A rather pitiful example of a weak mind attempting to express itself effectively.

      • Another boring retort. The nonsense, you sport is always defensive in its content. Comes out looking like a assigned duty, or distant accountability when someone nails your sustenance a bit.

        Indicates a lack of control, that really bothers you, doesn’t it? Interesting.

        “I don’t agree with you, often. but when I do, its an exception……..” 😛

        food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment.
        “poor rural economies turned to potatoes for sustenance”
        synonyms: nourishment, food, nutriment, nutrition, provisions, provender, rations; More
        the maintaining of someone or something in life or existence.
        “he kept two or three cows for the sustenance of his family”
        synonyms: support, maintenance, keep, living, livelihood, subsistence, income
        “the sustenance of his family”

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