Brinkerhoff-Riley Fundraiser Highlights Collaboration





















Supporters gathered for 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley’s first political fund raising event since taking office in January of 2012. The excitement was evident as Brinkerhoff-Riley announced her bid for re-election to a packed room at the Pub. In a brief speech, Brinkerhoff-Riley outlined the diversity of her supporters and the need for mutual respect and collaboration within her own party and government in general.


The diversity of supporters was evident in a room that included candidates and elected officials from both sides of the aisle, along with people identifying as Independents and Libertarians. Organized labor was well represented with supporters from Teamsters, Firefighters, Boilermakers, Millwrights, Electricians, Sheet Metal Workers, the Building Trades of Southwest Indiana, and Steelworkers. Businesses who contributed came from the areas of law, banking, manufacturing, information technology, hospitality, real estate, energy, and transportation. Community activists and members of nonprofits also came out in force representing housing, the environment, health care, education, economic development and crime prevention.


In addressing the group on the need for party unity, Brinkerhoff-Riley stated, “If we want to party to be unified, we’ve got to walk the walk. It’s easy. Just start doing it. If we have a problem with another member, we need to deal with it in private, and on our own time.” The crowd cheered in response.   Supporters at the function continuously highlighted Brinkerhoff-Riley’s work ethic, intelligence, integrity and focus on collaboration in conversations throughout the room. The first two years of Brinkerhoff-Riley’s term demonstrates that the community has a proven leader and a rising star in local politics.


  1. Must say that I shall be voting for Ms. Riley because she stands up for us taxpayers. This shall be the only time in my life I have voted for a Democrat.

  2. Stephanie has more political balls then all the male City Council members. She got my support.

  3. Hi Wayne did you know that Judge Shilvey and Nick Hermann attend this political fund raising event? What do you have to say about this Mr. GOP Chairmen?

    • Enough is Enough: I do not like it. In my judgement,Les Shilvey and Nick Hermann made a mistake by attending Democrat Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley’s Fundraiser. As you know they claim to be be Republicans.

      • Enough is Enough is right!!!!!! Im talking about why do you and several other have to keep driving a red or blue steak to divide? that is the most stupid thing that csn be done in a mid sized town struggling to get on track. if you think it is working you are the biggest idiot in this town. Looks to me like people in town are trying to unite as Evansville and a few jack@&&es are trying their damnest to keep this from happening. I am SICK of of the crap. show me one place ANYWHERE in politics where this has worked. those who keep trying to divide the city. Which is Bull$%!#, I know you are just trying to keep from having to find a real job, but STOP the divide.

        • Yao: Why don’t you be a real man/woman and state your real name?

          Overall the two party system has worked very well in shaping our country. Having two parties, helps ensure that good public policy is enacted. It may take awhile sometimes, but it will get there.

          It is great, you can vote for whomever you want to.

          Republicans do not always have the best candidates, but it is our goal to have the best. I do not/cannot control all situations who files to run for a political position.

          As for as this job, being Chairman is a volunteer position–no pay. I am trying to make our city/county the best it can be.

          Yao–What are you doing to help??

      • Oh but you say nothing about Winnecke attending Weaver’s fundraisers. And you claim to be Republican?

      • Much like you!!! A spend and tax backroom wheeler and dealer! What a joke! Too bad the joke is on Evansville!

        • rk812 You are the one hiding not using your real name.

          I am not a backroom person–I am very up front.

          What are you doing to make Evansville better beside bitching?

    • I agree, but I think it’s going to take some convincing on the public’s part. She does already have a lot on her plate.

  4. ““If we want to party to be unified, we’ve got to walk the walk. It’s easy. Just start doing it. If we have a problem with another member, we need to deal with it in private, and on our own time.” The crowd cheered in response.”

    Wise words that deserved the cheers they got. We need to do what the lady says!

  5. So will the CCO be covering every political fundraiser with glowing press releases from the Candidate?

    • I doubt they will for the hacks, but SBR deserves the press she gets here. We need a Mayor and City Council who work as hard to do the right things as she does.

  6. SBR has my support even though she is not in my district. She is a “what you see is what you get” type of person, such a different and refreshing perspective in politics. Gotta love her.

  7. I’ll support Friend for mayor but if SBR were to run, we’d have Friend as council president and SBR as mayor. Now that might get a few things going around here.

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