BREAKING NEWS: Brownfield Corp To Hold “Open Door” Meeting At Vectren Corporate Office


BREAKING NEWS: Brownfield Corp To Hold “Open Door” Meeting At Vectren Corporate Office

The City-County Observer were just told by extremely reliable sources that the Evansville Brownfields Corp. meeting will be held on Friday, January 29, 2016 at 1:30 pm in the Ellerbrook Conference Room, at the Downtown Vectren Corporate offices.  More importantly,  our sources tell us that the meeting will be open to the public.

This appears to be a decision that was made without DMD Director Kelley Coures and his assistant Carolyn Rusk’s input.  We expect Mr. Coures and Ms. Rusk to treat any members of the public that attend this meeting on Friday with respect.  We also expect them to also hand anyone attending this meeting a copy of the agenda.

We believe that CCO and its readers can claim a victory for “good public policy” pertaining to this issue.  We are sorry that there had to be any discussion about whether or not this meeting should be open to the public. We do not believe that closed door meetings serve the public’s interest,  and this one particularly should be totally transparent.


  1. In today’s courier&press, front page:
    City Money Matters Improve….By Zach Evans…

    How can this debt swap:

    result in a net gain for the city of Evansville? This just reaffirms that the city of Evansville is still operating without competent people in charge of the finances. Perhaps Zach Evans and his editor should have reviewed their article linked above before publishing today’s article.

  2. It looks like the CCO is back! There is no doubt in my mind that without your persistence on the subject of transparency from Brownfields, they would be meeting in a dark damp basement someplace to have their way with more public money. I expect that former Rep. Brad Ellsworth may have had a hand in shining the light on the proceedings by providing a great place for a sunlit public meeting. In his political past, he was a champion of the same kind of good public policy that CCO has always stood by.

    • Thanks for the joke about Brad and his past political life. I’m sure you’re referring to the cover-up, right?

  3. This is good news. I’ve only recently started visiting the site every day, and that is because I like that there are more subjects being covered on it now, but this is a local issue that we all should pay attention to. I hope CCO has comments from people who can get to the meeting. I can’t go, but I want to know how they treat people that get there.

  4. Excellent, Tip of our hat to George Lumley and Kelley Coures for this decision.

  5. The Vectren HQ conference room is also where the ERC met in Jan. 2011 to interview VenuWorks.

  6. Some sources indicate that Brownsfield and DMD are possible subjects under a targeted federal investigation. Most know that the feds have unlimited resources. Some indications are that this probe has been in play for over 18 months. Interesting that this apparently was under the sheets prior to the mayorial elections.

    • Advise to Vectren. Perception is very thing. Should Brownsfield find itself under the lime light an federal criminal investigation having a meeting in the Ellerbrooke Conference may be some dicy.

      • Ok, now I think I’ve interpreted it. You meant to write:
        “Advice” to Vectren: perception is “a” very “important” thing. Should “Brownfield” find itself “in” the “limelight of a” Federal criminal investigation, having a meeting in the “Ellerbrook” Conference “Room” may be “somewhat dicey”.

        Not sure why Vectren should worry about it. All they have done, or will be doing, is proving a meeting room for what is now billed as an “Open Door” meeting. They’re just being good community stewards. (snicker, snicker)

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