October 26, 2015

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
City of Evansville
1 NW Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Suite 301 Evansville, IN 47708

Dear Mayor Winnecke,

Pursuant to Indiana Code §5-14-3-3, I am making a public records request of your office concerning the investigation of former City Council At-Large candidate Jack Schriber (“Schriber investigation”). According to the law, you have 24 hours to acknowledge that such a request has been made.

I am requesting copies of public records that contain the following information:

  • ï‚·  Records, including but not limited to written correspondence and emails, between the officeof the mayor (including you) and any and all law enforcement officials involved in theSchriber investigation from the time the investigation began until present.
  • ï‚·  Records, including but not limited to written correspondence and emails, between the officeof the mayor (including you) and any non-law enforcement staff of the City of Evansville, orany other person regarding the Schriber investigation.
  • ï‚·  Records, including but not limited to written correspondence and emails, between or amongyou, your official staff, your campaign staff and any officials with the Vanderburgh County Republican Party regarding Jack Scriber during 2015.For purposes of clarity, we are hopeful that by seeking this information, the people of Evansville, of Vanderburgh County, and of the state will have answers to the following questions by reference to the requested records:
  1. At what date did you, Mayor, first learn of the Schriber investigation? What information were you told about the nature of the investigation?
  2. How often were you kept apprised of the progress or new details in the investigation? From the time it has been reported that Mr. Scriber “confessed”, what work was done on the investigation prior to its closure?
  3. Did you give any direction to investigators as to what you wished to learn or not learn during the course of the investigation?
  4. After you learned of the investigation, did you continue to make personal or campaign committee contributions to Mr. Schriber’s political campaign? Did you publicly support his candidacy in general following the investigation being opened and your knowledge of it?
  5. What conversations did you have with Vanderburgh County Republican Party officials regarding Mr. Schriber standing as a candidate for public office while there was an active investigation?6. Similarly, what conversations were held about how the investigation’s outcome might impact Mr. Schriber’s chances for election? Were there conversations about whether, if victorious, he would serve or resign, and how such a vacancy would be filled if a resignation occurred?

The nature of the investigation and the subject matter involved are sensitive. However, to maintain the integrity of our democratic system, it is critical that the people of Evansville, specifically, have a full and transparent understanding of the conduct of their elected and political leadership.

With respect to the records requested, in conformance with your obligations under Indiana law, we hereby expressly request that you provide partial responses where documents are immediately available. Further, to the extent you make any claim of exception to production of responsive records, we request in accordance with your obligations under Indiana law that you identify each subsection of the Indiana Access to Public Records Act upon which such exception purportedly is based. Moreover, we remind you that records for which you claim an exception to disclosure may not be withheld in whole, but rather must be redacted only as to the parts of such records for which the exception is asserted.

Finally, we realize that there may be charges associated with producing copies of responsive records and hereby provide you advance notice of our willingness to make immediate payment for such charges upon identification by you of a complete or any partial response.

Thank you for your attention and prompt response.


John C. Zody

Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party 




    • Talk about a liar. Here again is the whopper you told on October 23:
      “I don’t know if it’s funny or sad to see republicans coming out of the woodwork to defend child molestation. The same thing happened with that Dugger pervert.”
      english boob- We’re still waiting for a list of those Republicans you claim defend molestation.
      And, by the way, the line about moving lips is a 28 year old slam originally applied to a democrat billy (the serial rapist) clinton. How original.
      You are a liar.

          • englishboob has proven himself to be a moron, unintelligent and uneducatable. I have lost all respect. My father taught me this:
            You are not a liar until I catch you in a lie: Then, you are a liar forever.

  1. Winnecke looked like he’d been run over by a truck or the truth after the council meeting tonight. His beloved Leadership Evansville was defunded after the mayor had just come from their clubhouse. He was all but stomping his hooves, looked like he’d been through the ringer. ‘Outrageous’ he opined, in a voice both deep and squeaky. He should consider resignation, the forces of accountability are assembling around him. He has failed Evansville as its mayor.

    • He is a failure, but resigning would imply that he has more moral fiber than his sense of entitlement. When I spoke at the CC meeting concerning the hotel where Winnecke presented his candescent group of investors, I looked in his eyes and saw an emptiness of intellect and character.

    • You nailed it, as usual. It’s time “Leadership Evansville” is defunded. If it is to continued, it should be funded by its alumni and the entities that feel they have profited from its existence.

      As for Whiney’s failures, it is interesting to observe who comes forward to praise his “successes.” The false claims of job creation, Evansville growing, and our vibrant downtown are beginning to open the voters’ eyes. Keep talking Lloyd, Kelley, Steve, Russ, and Carol!

      • If any jobs are created by anyone, Mr. Coures will sure take credit for it. Just home from the Evansville Brownfields Meeting that was held at the new Dapper Pig restaurant at Haney’s corner and of course Kelly was taking all the credit for saving the house and making the restaurant. That Mr. Coures sure gives his money away for some good causes. I think there may be strings attached but it does make him popular. It is a shame the public does not have his kind of money to spread the good deeds.

  2. Good luck on that one. I am sure Winnecke has learned well by watching Hillary.

    • We’re discussing EVANSVILLE’S CITY ELECTION, IE. You’ll have plenty of time to vent your spleen on Hillary later.

      • And I am sure you won’t be venting your spleen when you vote for her even though when Hillary lied people died.

  3. Mr. Zody and the Democratic Party should keep all of this in the proper perspective. Jack Schriber is a good Christian and he did not shoot anybody.

    • No Jack Schreiber just admitted to molesting a child for several years. And dont hink there was only one…What must it have been like being subjected to that and have to hide in shame while this monster went whistling along , running for public office as though he was a decent man? Publicly well repected, helping himself to children?

      • If you refer to my post, not at all. I simply channeled Hillary, explained Winnecke’s predicament to her, and she typed the post for me.

  4. Dear Indiana dem party State Chairman. All my records are on my private, personal, e-mail server located in the cellar of a log cabin in the middle of the Hoosier National Forrest , therefore unavailable.
    Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
    CC. – Riecken’s New York City campaign manager.

  5. Is it true that Winnecke ordered a convoy of Piranha Shredder trucks, and they’re on the way to 1 ML King Blvd?

    Is it true that we could name this Schriber cover up scandal: “WINNEGATE”?

  6. I am not from your city, but I would guess that had the shoe been on the other foot, things might have played out essentially in the same manner. I could be wrong.

  7. Enough with this. This has nothing to do with him not being a good mayor. Overstating the General Fund balance by $2 million to Council and the public most certainly does. Ms. Riecken needs to call him out on this before it’s too late.

    • Engineering a cover-up that compromises the Chief of Police and other City officials points to Winkie not being a good mayor. It pretty much proves a stunning lack of character and credibility. The overstated balance, the “bait and switch” hotel, the lies about crime being down, and falling for the Earthcare scam to the tune of $200,000 all point in the same direction, unfitness for office. The good news is that his recent generosity to Mike Pence points to the possibility that he may be looking toward leaving town and moving on to bigger and more lucrative things. If our voters are smart enough to save themselves, we will only be seeing the McClintock/Winneckes on the society page of the Courier.

  8. If Bolin, Winnecke, the C&P, and Schriber were as bad as dems posting here charge, there would have been no resignation of Schriber, nor would there have been any investigation of the 40 year old charges.

    • Unless someone stumbled upon it. It is very difficult to keep things totally under wraps during an election year or any other time in Evansville IN.

      • Martha. Schriber denies everything. Bolin doesn’t investigate 40 year old charges, or, worse, investigates and clears Schriber. Winnecke stands by his man and is re-elected Works for the dems in Washington every time, especially HRC.

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