EDITORS NOTE:  Attached is a copy of an e-mail sent today to all City  of Evansville department heads and non-profit organizations that receive funding from the City.  We consider this called meeting to be political nature to order to rally the Pro-Winnecke forces to show up next Tuesday to vote for him for re-election.  We predict that the Mayor will take this opportunity to tell those in attendence  that last nights City Council budget cuts will have a negative impact on the services they provide.

It’s important to point out that the 2016 City budget doesn’t come into effect until January 2016.   Get ready to hear the doom and gloom spin generated by this soon to be politically motivated gathering. We think that the timing of this called meeting is suspect.


Subject: Mtg Request from Mayor Winnecke – 3:00 pm today

All –

Mayor Winnecke requests your presence today at 3:00 PM in Room 301 of the Civic Center to discuss the impacts of the 2016 budget cuts.

Your attendance is very important as these cuts will impact the delivery of city services and the organizations supported by city government. If you cannot attend, please send a representative in your place. For the non-profit organizations, please feel free to invite your board chairman or other leadership.

Thanks in advance.

Steve Schaefer
Chief of Staff
Office of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke


  1. This shows a distinct lack on leadership on Winnecke’s part. A good manager is resourceful, and can live on whatever amount is allocated. Not this guy.

    Also, from a higher level perspective: why does a municipal government feel compelled to take the citizens tax dollars, and then repurpose them to non-profits of their liking ? What if I think Leadership Evansville is an utter waste, and I don’t want to support them with my tax dollars ? Shouldn’t the municipal donations to pet non-profits be ended in its entirety, and let the individual citizens vote with their own wallet, making direct donations to their favorite non-profits ?

    • Lucifer, I call you out as a negative person. Where in hell are you coming from with the idea that the people of Evansville will support charity on their own accord. It is necessary for a forward looking city to be positive and redistribute to the more needed and necessary charities. Some of these poor charities need large amounts of funding and so many people consider them a waste, they simply would not survive without the kindness of city leaders taxing you and gifting it to them. Would you really want leadership Evansville to go unfunded and leave you with a few extra dollars you might squander at a food bank or homeless shelter? The Christians and other God fearing people need strong leadership to force them through taxation to do what they would not do on there own. This is a great thing we have in Evansville. You must be more compassionate, positive and realize most of the city sponsored charities are operated by caring people carrying out work that the government has refused to fund.

  2. The Mayor called Gail Riecken’s assertions about the Schriber case “acts of desperation”.

    Right back at you, Mayor! If you get reelected you are going to have to learn “fiscal constraint”. Look it up!

  3. I think Conner O’Daniel is a hero and should be thanked for his brave stand on this budget and he and John Friend will be a big void in the next City Council as well as S.B.R. . god help us all when Weaver and Mosby get control of our City Council .

    • Agree Ralph. When I was thinking change on the council early on I was not thinking those three…………

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