Breaking News: Kunkel Square Apartments Closed by State Fire Marshall


A sign was posted at the Kunkel Square apartment building at 4th and Main Streets in downtown Evansville today by the Indiana State Fire Marshall advising tnants that they must be out of the builidng by 6 PM Tuesday. The issues that lead to the shutting down of Kunkel Square have to do with the security system and the fact that only one stairway leads into the 12th floor.

It has been reported that the Evansville Fire Department had previously inspected the building and found no issues calling into question the possibility that these two public safety entities could be working with different sets of rules.

There has been no time to re-open the building released.


  1. I’m just glad the State closed down this fire-trap before dozens of lives were lost. And we’re going to hand the contract for the new convention hotel over to this bunch? …

  2. Okay, I got a couple of questions.

    The state considers condos and apartments the same with regard to plan review, approval, permitting, yada, yada, yada.

    The state fire marshal and building commissioner require plans sent to state for review and approval.

    Did the plans sent to state show the required stairways, exits, sprinkler details, etc.? If so, did Kunkel, his contractors and subs not follow the plans? Or did the state plan review technicians and permitters overlook something, or approve substandard plans?

    • THAT is an excelent question, I believe Indy is even slower than E’ville. That would be my guess, but it may have been a nickle cutting situation.

      • Nope, you can’t get building permits, therefore no certificates of occupancy, until the state signs off on the construction plans. So, how’d they get past first base (state approval of the building plans)?

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