Home Uncategorized Breaking News : Gail Riecken CONSIDERING RUN FOR THE MAYOR OF EVANSVILLE



As reported earlier this week by the CCO that a well known and highly respected individual is considering a run for the Mayor of Evansville. Today we have confirmed that State Representative Gail Riecken has almost decided to run for Mayor in this upcoming 2015 city election.

We hear that intense discussions have been going on between a group of bi-partisan movers and shakers with Representative Riecken running against Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke? We also hear that the discussions between Mrs. Riecken and her family have been extremely encouraging? In fact we hear that they have given their blessings and strong support for her run for Mayor of Evansville.

If Representative Riecken decides to take on Mayor Winnecke we predict it will be the biggest political battle of his career? Mrs. Riecken is highly respected and well known for her commitment to help her constitutes resolve problems caused by over zealous government rules and regulations. We predict that all the money that Mayor Winnecke has in his political war chest won’t matter because of Mrs Riecken extreme popularity with people from all walks of life?

Our “Moles” also tell us that we should expect an official announcement from State Representative Riecken concerning her running for Mayor in about 10 days?

Attempts by the CCO to contact Ms Riecken went unanswered.

This is a developing story and we shall update on any developments.  Please take time and go to our “Readers Poll” to cast your vote for the question of the day.

Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


      • I am very glad to hear this. Many of my more conservative friends have been rooting for Gail too. Mayor Winnecke doesn’t have control of the budget.

  1. Absolutely go for it, Rep. Reicken! You’re Evansville’s last best hope! It would be so refreshing to have somebody who doesn’t owe her soul to a Real Estate agency, a bank, or Vectren!

    • We’ll considering, the load of it that normally floats there. We might help some, that however, is a proven trait, we’ll see.

  2. That’s right. This is the lady that left Indiana on a legislative walkout. Not working with others…what a great mindset to have!

    • What a joke. There was no working with others. It was the Republican way or the highway. They took the highway out of town in defense of the working man.

      • I’d vote for her and the rest of the dems that walked out to save the unions from the big bad wolf. She did what was right and I hope that she would do it again. The GOP in the House walked out on America the second they took over the house.

      • There are those that do not want to remember what led up to their walkout. No mention by any of those from that majority party that their campaign platform contain anything about RTW. Their Gov was even was hesitant! But between the election and the first of the year, it became top item to ram through. Must had been those yearly “marching orders” that the state chamber of commerce gives republicans in their private meeting! Example this year was the urging of making Ritz elected position into a political appointed position for the next election cycle!

        • Subverting our constitution is inexcusable no matter how right one feels it is. We are a nation of laws guided by our constitution. Unions do not rule Indiana! When you do not work with in the constitution, then the constitution does not work for you either. It is the contitution which enables us to live and work together. Reiken, who swore an oath to uphold our vonstitution, disregardedit for political gain. I hope to see her bo the way of what’s his name from South Bend.

          • I’d rather have the unions in charge than the Chamber of Commerce. We would all be working 7 days a week 24 hours a day with no vacations, and no child labor laws if the Business owners all had their way. That is a fact! Unions have given the working man a chance to get better pay and better working conditions. And they deserve a place at the bargaining table. Together we stand! There is safety in numbers and no one should be forced to work for slave wages.

          • I believe the (R)’s step out in recent history as well! They did not pack their traveling bags, but did step out!

          • I would rather have the people we elected in charge Moveon. But that,s jusr me and my silly rule of law ideology.

          • Ghost, she fled to protect union interest not our constitution, you know, that thing our revolution was all about? It is Gail and union lap dogs like you that sell out our revolution.

          • IE, they fled from the “states chamber of commerce” marching orders that were given “after” the fall election. Familiar with the term “broadsided”?

          • Arms, republicans did not flee the state to circumvent the constitution and the will of the people. Union support for people like Gail is how we got the machine destroying Evansville. Don’t be one of the voters Gruber likes. There are better candidates then this flee-bagger.

          • IE, the will of the people voted for those (R) that did not mention RTW laws being the chamber of commerce main agenda. Had those (R)’s ran on that platform, and still won, then I have no beef. But they did not, for electability!

          • So you think the spineless husband of Carol McClintock would be better for Evansville than a woman who stood up for what she and many of her constituents believe in? The truth is that she acted strongly on behalf of people who contacted her with their concerns. The argument you are trying to make about not upholding her oath is just a crock that won’t hold water. Sometimes a real leader has to take extreme measures, and Gail has shown that she has the guts to do what needs to be done. I trust Evansville to her hands long before I would ever trust the Poop for four more years.

          • No LKB, I think neither one will be good for Evansville. But Gail has already shown that she will not keep an Oath she made and that is a greater violation. She paid a fine for breaking that oath. Extreme action is one thing, but it must remain within constitutional boundaries. Gail took constitutional rights away from people like me to serve her union interest. These unions alliances are a good part of what have put Evansville on the ropes. Gail is just another Wienzapfel. So how is that going to be good for us? What is she going to bring to the table except more sweet deals for her riverfront property?

        • Arms, who didn’t know RTW was on the table? Unions capaigned against it and lost, so it is bogus to claim other wise. Even if you are right, it does not justifyy fleeing with our contitution. Further more, the democrats lost more seats after that stunt, so the working votors of Indiana were not amused. Unions are going to have to learn to work and play with the working people of Indiana.

          • You should know they didn’t campaign on that. The argument could be made that we should had known, but we are not mind readers! Demos did take a beating on that next election. Unions have lighten up over the years that I had been around, but we are not the root of the evils of this economy. You would have to look to “Wall Street” shenanigans over these past 40 years that killed this economy with their predictions, selling off of companies that did not meet their pretend goals, ect to maximize stocks profits, ect.

          • Bogus Arms. Everyone knew it was on the table. Did unions not campaign against RTW? So how do you say they were broadsided? Are you going to actually try to convince me you did not know it was on the table? But again, even if it wasn’t, that does not justify running across the state line to escape the constitution. Gail supporting RTW is not a deal breaker for me. Her disregarding her oath and our constitution is. It should be for you also because it reveals her as another politician sold out to a special interest. Put here in the top roost at the chicken coup civic center, and you will have another downtown boondoggle designed to reward unions. We need to do better.

          • IE ,what your take of state chamber of commerce dictating to the elected republics their marching orders? One is which the chamber wants the elected position the Ritz has now, be turned into a appointed political position? This chamber/Pence is building the foundation for the explosion of new “for profit” schools at the expense of public school funds.

            What the difference if it is the chamber, unions, or the tons of lobbyists that takes care of those elected? Why just pick on the workers representatives when big money is doing the dictating?

      • When Republicans try to prevent a vote on something they’re deemed “obstructionist” but when the other side does it they’re lauded as heroes? What gives?

        • Depends on what the issue is. One is based on hate and bigotry the other is based on trying to help the working class. Big difference.

  3. She tried before and was soundly beat in the primaries. If the unions endorse her we know she’s been bought.

    • Seems that a “recent elected” county commissioner (with a “R”) was trounce in a earlier attempt at a elected position. Seems this spring he knock a old “entrenched” bird off of her “golden perch” in the primaries!

        • Pov attempt to smear Gail because she lost a election, Bruce was trounced once, but came back and trounced the golden incumbent! A past “lost election” means nothing!

    • That was a long time ago, and Evansville wasn’t looking bankruptcy in the eye. Do you think Winnecke would be better? I don’t.

  4. I’d vote for Gail if I lived in the city of Evansville. She would be good Mayor for the people hopefully. I just wish that the city council would cancel the agreement or support for the new fairy tale hotel and any other wild funding ideas that is already proposed or cooked up. The city needs a fiscal conservative and not a gambler like we have now. We need sound fiscal management right now to right the listing boat before she capsizes.

    She’s been thought campaigns before and can withstand some of the mud that surely to be thrown her way. But she’s got a good reputation and a strong back ground in government.

    She actually helped me get some things done at the state level and I’ve personally thanked her for the help she provided to me. I’ve see that she cares about people and works hard to follow up on things.

    • She’s a wonderful public servant and has experience at every level of government. The proof is in the follow-up and getting things done for constituents. It’s what gives people hope that electing a particular person will actually make a difference. I look forward to change in the Mayor’s office. The Democrat votes are there. Alberta Matlock, a Democrat, was the biggest vote getter that sad November night in 2011. Gail also lives in the First Ward and represent a good portion of it. All recent mayors have had one thing in common- they won the First Ward. If she runs a good race, she will win.

  5. Hell, movedon, don’t do it. Yet. That machines balance is going to be cracking over. What that’s going to take to bust, is scientific skills, easy today. Real stuff, you should see the scores to the Ohio rivers clean water basin from the unregulated or un-enforced bilge balances flowing from those marinas on that side of the river.
    Community concerns, we’ll call straight BS, more like what @Bandana specifies as color of the day for endeared daily provided lunch valued blazers.

    We see little change, same consistent mechanical calling , different blazer color. Could be wrong, but “Ole doc” just would just say “prove it” and that is yet to be seen. Heck I met him, allot when values were diverse as the days bents laid out.

    She knows exactly who we would refer as Ole Doc, is. Historically for sure.


    • Well I don’t live nor vote in the city so it won’t really matter. But she did help me as our State Representative and she’s approachable which is a good thing.

      I was not thinking about the boat’s dumping their sewage or bildge into the River. That’s never a good thing. And if she is anti USEPA and anti regulation then that’s a negative IMHO. We need a mayor that will clean up the sewage and less the diseases that raw sewage and increased human populations bring. But she’s got to be better than Winny the pooh. He’s spending the city down the sewers with this hotel deal. I just can’t imagine how the city’s so called leaders are giving away tax money so easily. A million her, another 70 million there. They act like that money grows on trees and it’s is just there for the pickens.

  6. Ick! There is a ketchup stain in the shape of Urbana on her blouse. I didn’think it possible, but if the democrats run this flee-bagger, I would vote fot Winnecke.

    • IE, winni has so many different stains, he looks like a walking “opened” 64 count Crayola box!

        • Does our constitution allow winni to bankrupt the city? The state constitution was rewritten after the “canal days” that bankrupt our state, so not to allow it to happen again. Then again, city type of government is similar to a outlaw/renegade style were there is limited refrain!

        • Oh, the drama!!! Gail didn’t “subvert our constitution”. She stood up in strong protest to postpone RTW being inflicted on her constituents who didn’t want it.
          I thought forgiveness was a big thing for you, although she needs no forgiveness for holding out on a controversial piece of legislation. You’re being a “Drama King”, IE.

    • You truly are hopeless. You’re the kind of guy that would have ratted out his neighbors for their involvement in the American Revolution.

  7. Abraham Lincoln jumped out a window when given an intolerable choice-I hope she decides to run. The Dems have been a sad lot-they have a few true representatives, but the DemPubs sellouts have rolled over to get their bellies scratched to where we had just about given up hope.

    I know she knows what a mess has been made-any fool can see, no matter what amount of cat dirt they’ve tried to throw over it. We’re in trouble, and Winnecke shrugging his shoulders and saying “Wha’ happen?” isn’t going to do diddly for those of us (and our grandchildren) who will be footing the bill through endless price raises to keep the sinking ship afloat. It’s a BIG job, takes guts to take it on.
    It never dawned on me that this charming lady would step forward-beware, dear lady, for here there be monsters.

    • I haven’t been this hopeful since Rick Davis threw his hat in the ring-and then helplessly watched the people who should’ve helped him (as he helped them) stick their knives in his back. It is hard to accept that it’s “just politics” when you see such betrayal for self serving reasons.

      We need a hero.

      • The dems may never get over that one. It’s like the Hatfields and McCoys maybe. The knife in the back to Rick Davis will live on in time for generations.

        • Evansville has a history of salvaging dying political parties when a REALLY, REALLY AWFUL situation arises. The last time it happened, everybody thought that Frank McDonald’s machine was invincible, but Russell Lloyd proved differently. I was part of that resurrection of the Republican party, and I’m looking forward to being part of this resurrection of the Democratic Party!

          • Russ won that election because democrats worked against Borries. Frank stayed away from that election not endorsing either candidate. Many democrats blamed Frank but Borries lost by 508 votes. A couple votes per precinct. Several of the people who worked against Borries bitched the loudest when people worked against Rick. Same results, democrats won council repubs won the mayors office

      • I had hoped that SBR would step forward to save Evansville, but Gail’s candidacy will be less controversial in the long run. The only nay-saying about her Is the “cracked crock” argument that IE is trying to make work. The bottom line is that Gail, like SBR, stays in touch with real people and their real concerns. Rep. Reicken’s “unforgivable sin” ( in the eyes if the cracked crock folks) came from her close contact with ordinary people, and it took courage to do what she did. We can all rest assured that Winnie would not have made the choice Gail did, because he lacks courage and is not concerned with regular people.
        I believe the nomination will be hers for the asking, and it will be a hard-fought election, given the huge war chest that Winnie has. The people of Evansville have a chance to show that people count more than money, and I hope they meet the challenge.

    • Lincoln did not leave the state to flee the constitution. Gail fled to support union interest over the will of hoosier working families. Fleeing the state with our constitution was childish and she needs to go the way of Bauer.

      • Lincoln did damage that Federal constitution during those trouble years! Lincoln did not have the interstate highway system to ride his horse out of Springfield quickly! Question would be,had he have our modern transportation, would he?

        • Lincoln did not damage the Constitution, he extended it to all. What we know is that he did not run and returned later the same day. Had the flee-baggers stayed in Indiana, I would have no grip because our constitution provides a legal way to deal with legislators not performing their duties.

          • 1) order blockade of southern ports. (at that time only congress could)
            2) order hundreds of newspapers shut down for speaking against.
            3) order arrest of Ohio congressman.
            4) suspended “Writ of Habeas Corpus.
            5) article 3 he wage war upon his own country.
            6) 2nd amendment – order troops into Maryland to confiscate citizens weapons.
            7) had ordered the arrestment of many officials in Maryland without due process.
            8) Emancipation Proclamation
            9) ordering of taking private property for public use. Robert E Lee homestead example
            10) water torture.

            source: (google Abraham Lincoln trampling of Federal Constitution)

          • Out of Indiana State Police reach to drag them back into the legislation chambers. The Demos had out foxed the republicans for that short period of time!

  8. WFIE had a quick mention of this news at 4:30am with her picture and her running in “2016” in the background!
    Did C&P mention her running in “2016” as well this morning? Is that “Ugly Machine” already after her?

  9. Gail swore an oath to our constitutiion and broke it. Tat makes her a liar, and Evansville has had enough of liars pandering to special interest. Any legislator who breaks that oath should be impeached. If she can ignore that oath, than what oath from the boy scout oath to an oath in court has any meaning? Voting for Gail is to be Gruber’s “stupid voters.”

    • IE, I see you are grinding your axe with Gail, which you have your personal reasons which is fine with me. Keep it “clean” between us, for I too have a axe to grind with winnie!

      • I do not have personal reasons for grinding an axe against Gail. I have constitutional reasons. It is the constitution that keeps it clean between us and she disregarded it and her oath to it. For the nation, state, unions, corporations, or any entity, the constitution is the most highly venerated document. We are swinging the same axe on winnie and should on Gail also.

        You’re a great ARMerican.

      • That is an innovative program that is working.

        The money we would rebate to developers is probably already spoken for. We don’t seem to do things like that around here, makes too much sense and would earmark money for a good use rather than a politican’s pocket. Would also result in less revenue to pledge against the note on the next fanciful project some ego-driven politican dreams up.

        If we did something like Palm Springs’ hotel incentive program, we could tweak their plan and exempt some of the cheapos in our Fares red light district. We’d get a two-fer when they finally shuttered their revolving doors. The area would look nicer and the hookers would be more dispersed, fairer for all the citizens of Evansville.

        It is time to pull the plug on the hotel and look at it with a fresh set of eyes. The Palm Springs model is one of several that should be looked at. Not doing it at all is another thing that should be considered. The financing scheme we are apparently locked into doesn’t seem to be too good of a deal for us. The best thing about it is it’s not working, even with the massive unaffordable public participation. The administration is now hoping for an early and bad winter to provide an irrefutable excuse for more time.

      • I’m not sure we could duplicate the success of Palm Springs, because Evansville doesn’t have the geographical advantages that it has, but the idea could surely be an incentive for needed hotel rooms here.
        The sooner the City Coucil rescinds the approval of that $20 million bond issue, the better. They will still need to do a lot of negotiation to get the Med School properly located, but withdrawing the $20 million is a start to straightening out the Poop’s childish mess.

        • That assumes the hotel rooms are really needed. As the article stated there was an identified need for 1,000 rooms back when this incentive was launched. Afterward the rooms were added slowly with a well though out incentive package over a period of years. There are two more on the drawing board right now. As far as I know about downtown Evansville, private developers concluded that only 150 rooms were needed but the Hunden Study concluded just what they were paid to conclude which was 256 +/- rooms. Building on speculation into a small identified demand is quite different than building on spec into a large demand with a series of small projects while reassessing the situation annually. It is the difference between having a plan and a solution before jumping in an not doing so. By the way Palm Springs has a professional City Manager who has been on the job for many years and many mayors.

  10. I thought everyone wanted to get away from the political “machines”, yet some on here are singing the praises of one of the remaining chief designers of the Democrat one.
    Go ahead, continue your lip service about “change” as you suppress real change.

  11. Will not know unless there is a change. Wondering how much “geographic location” makes on this idea?
    Recall last year or so, a downtown renovation by a individual motel owner was beaten down because of the lack of landscape by a certain person in position! May take a “deeper change” then just a mayor position around here!

    • For many years Palm Springs was also heading for the wrecking ball in spite of the weather advantages and proximity to large markets. The new incentives and programs like the innovation hub that I run have worked because private businesses began to believe in the profit potential and investing accordingly. Without the private investment and the diligent work that follows no incentive will stand on its own.

  12. All the blather about Riecken leaving the state in protest is just that. It was obvious to all who went and those who watched that they were doing it as a principled protest. It would only forestall the inevitable, not stop anything. Winnecke leaning situational constitutionalists wish that is not the case but it is. They are going to need something a little stronger to get their man, the profligate liberal spender Poop Winnecke, re-elected. I can see right through that august document, the Indiana Constitution, I see them hiding behind it.

    The hatred of unions from some of the very people who have benefited mightily from their existence is unseemly.

    The mayor has weighed in on Riecken’s possible run by squeaking that she didn’t reach out to him. His fantasy world took another hit yesterday.

    • Ho, Ho, Ho, principles and protest do not grant one the right to take the constitution into ones hands and play keep away. Gail is just another part of the Evansville machine and anyone who would support her is a Gruber democrat.

      • Peek-a-boo, I see you.

        Mrs. Riecken’s possible candidacy sure has smoked the closet Winneckeites out fast. How rapidly they declare for their man. We must brand them for future identification before they scamper back out of sight.

          • You’ve already declared for your man the Poop if Gail runs.

            ♪ Nationwide is on your side ♫, and you are squarely in the big spending Winnecke’s corner. He’ll need your vote. Don’t waffle, stand up and say it loud. It’ll make you feel good.

          • I will always support Satan over the devil. As I said, I can’t believe the democrats found a candidate less appealing than Winnie. I might have to suspend another principle and and cross dress in the primaries, but democrats aren’t allowed primaries. So you vote for who you’re told to vote for and I’ll vote against her. Might be some red Rieken slippers in the deal for you. You can wear them in Urbana chanting “there’s no place like home.”

      • ” Gail is just another part of the Evansville machine and anyone who would support her is a Gruber democrat.”

        Oh, the drama!! He doesn’t want to vote for Winnie, but the Dems will “miff” him and make him do it! No mention of just not voting, so I guess the Poop is not all that unpalatable to IE, after all.

        • Nothing like the scorn of a yellow dog democrat. You seriously think Gail is not part of the machine you claim to be warring against? What change does she bring to the table LKB? You’re just a puff of smoke when it comes to actual change.

        • He’s always been a Winnecke man, just took a good woman to flush him out. The Poop’s his guy, always has been. Can’t keep an oath. Stain on his little blue dress.

    • Poor Poop! He’s been victimized by reality!
      Poor IE! He’s been victimized by the nasty Democrats, for discussing a candidate that he can’t stop hating. We are forcing him to vote for the worst Mayor of Evansville in recent history, because we are looking to a woman he can’t forgive. I wonder if “woman” may have anything to do with his terrible distress?

      • You’re mean and personalized demeanour is indicative that you have nothing to offer as to why Gail is a better choice than Winne. I supported SBR, but I guess now it’s that I hate women. Give me any good reason why I should get all giddy over Gail like you. Clearly Gail has stood up which is why everyone else, SBR and Friend, was told to stand down. You have your orders, now go be a good little Gruber-nite voter.

        • Gruber, Mitt Romney’s guy, has nothing to do with what is going on in Evansville. What Gail has to offer is that she is responsive to the needs of her constituents, while the Poop is only responsive to the beautiful people who ascribe to the elitist lifestyle. She is “in touch”, and Winnie isn’t.
          It was easy for you to support a woman you knew wasn’t going to run, but now you’re face-to-face with one who offers much more to voters than Winnie, and you found a ridiculous excuse to back him.

          • When Gruber worked for Romney, the people of Massachusetts supported universal healthcare for their state overwhelmingly. Gruber and Romney did not have to tell lies to pass Romneycare. Now when Obama hired Gruber to do the same for the nation, the nation was in no mood for what Massachusetts had embraced. Their response was to lie like their was no tomorrow to the people of this country whom they deemed to be stupid. I guess what is good for Massachusetts is not necessarily good for the country.

  13. CNN.COM

    One of the nation’s top political analysts, Stuart Rothenberg, dissects politics at the congressional and statewide levels.

    A Hard-Fought Race In Indiana’s 8th C.D.
    By Stuart Rothenberg

    Located in the Southeastern corner of Indiana, the 8th Congressional District has had a long history of hard-fought political battles — and close contests. This year looks like no exception, with incumbent Republican John Hostettler facing Democrat Gail Riecken.
    Rothenberg’s 1998 Gubernatorial Ratings

    The Democrats are hoping to gain 11 House seats, which would give them a majority, and to do so they will need to defeat vulnerable GOP incumbents like Hostettler.

    Hostettler was first elected in 1994, when he knocked off an incumbent Democrat. Two years later, he used a tiff with House speaker Newt Gingrich to establish his political independence, making it more difficult for Democrats to portray the congressman as a “Gingrich Robot.” Hostettler, a consistent conservative, went on to defeat challenger Jonathan Weinzapfel 50-48 percent.

    Unlike 1996, when the Democrats never recovered entirely from a tough primary fight, 8th District and national Democrats have united this year behind the candidacy of Evansville City Councilwoman Riecken.

    Riecken, 52, has already been endorsed by influential Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton and a number of local labor unions, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has showcased Riecken far more than most of the party’s congressional candidates. EMILY’s List, which encourages Democratic donors to contribute to credible, pro-choice Democratic women candidates, has helped raise money for the Indiana challenger, which is one reason why the city councilwoman is more than a third of the way to her $750,000 fund raising goal.

    Hostettler, 36, refused to vote for Gingrich for speaker in early 1997, and he is part of a group of conservatives who feel their party and House leadership have been too willing to compromise with President Bill Clinton and with congressional Democrats.

    The congressman continues to want a smaller government, including lower taxes, but he has also concerned himself with local matters. Unlike most incumbents, Hostettler does not accept political action committee contributions, and that has limited his ability to raise funds. In 1994, he spent just $309,000, and two years later, as an incumbent, he spent just $528,000 — far below what most vulnerable incumbents spent during the cycle.

    Republicans note that in 1996 Hostettler was battered for months by unions ads. And they also point out that the public’s contentment with Congress and the state of the country are bound to help the congressman. But Democrats insist they have an appealing, well-financed candidate who has a unified Democratic Party behind her. And given the fundamental competitiveness of Indiana’s 8th District, that’s reason enough for Republicans to be concerned about Hostettler’s hold on this seat.

    BTW, that “consistent conservative” held the seat from January 3, 1995 – January 3, 2007. I wonder if we could talk Mr. Hostettler into moving to Evansville and running as a “consistent conservative” for the office of mayor? One can dream, right? As things stand now, the same group that backed Jonathan Weinzapfel’s tax and spend schemes, that have led this city to the brink of financial disaster, is the same group backing Riecken.

  14. Ms Riecken looks like Ronald Reagan compared to Winnecke the LIBERAL…but, his base must be confused…he supported the Right to Work at the General Assembly, behind the ultra conservative Gov…then, seems to be supportive of same sex marriage, contrary to the ultra conservative Gov…and then his sidekick criticize Ms. Riecken for standing up for the working class by trying stop the ultra conservatives from devastating the working class…What you see here is simply, Winnecke is what he think you think he needs to be…Some would say, a man in an empty suit…

    • Rieken stood up and ran off for the union class. The working class is mostly non-union. Winnecke stands where the light shines on him best. If these are our choices I have no hope for change.

      • Is it fair to say the republicans took their stand, for the state chamber of commerce agenda?

        • Is it fair to say the democrats took their stand against the Urbana chamber of commerce?

          • Was the Urbana Cof C in a bashing mood? For all we know, Urbana CofC may had felt the need to rolled out the red carpet to their guest, unlike those from Indy!

  15. Seems everyone has been complaining of current makeup of city government, wanting a change. A solution has been floated, but there is still gripe about that possible solution, and hanging onto the current makeup that they were not happy with.

    Could a good solution be for the (R)’s to dump their current mayor and back a yet “unnamed candidate” that they would support? Similar to Abel being dumped for Ungethiem?

    • I have heard a name being floated for a primary opponent for Hizzoner, and that person is a viable candidate. I do hope that Bart Gadau decides to run as a Libertarian, as well.

    • Gail is not change, unless it’s change back towards Weinzapfel. Unfortunately, republicans won’t change either. It’s all one party here my friend, and Reiken and Winnecke go to the same parties.

      • IE who fault is it if those two are at the same party? The (D) or the (R) and why?
        Unless it is “a strict political party”, I don’t see that being a major issue. Just because they be of opposite party, does not force them to walk down opposite sidewalks! Are they working for their party? Or are they working for citizens which should be the case? Lawyers(which many politicians are) argue in court on opposite side of a case. Does that require them not to socialize in public?

        • Not my point. THey are both part of the same machine. What will change under Gail?

          • IE, what is going to change with winni? “Nothing”! You need another (R) to oust your current mayor in the primaries!

  16. Just read Gail’s Wikipedia. She seems to be right in line with her bossman, Mr. Weinzapfel. Another 8 years of that should just about plow Evansville under.

  17. the union leaders told gail to runaway from her responsibilities and gail said how far……….so she is bought and paid for by the unions………….gail now says she is a conservative liberal…….so she has the lying part down……..I can now see why she is a rising star in the gruber goobers circles…….now if she would just make drunken threats she would be a shoo in for mayor………I will say one thing though Gail is pretty for a liberal and the odds on that is 1 in a 1000…………..just sayin

  18. I want NEW BLOOD, not an IL. legislator. The dem’s need someone else to put up. As much as I dislike W I would vote for him over her. Sighs 🙁

    • Need to defeat the current mayor in the May primary! Problem solved for the fall election against possible Riekens! Time is right for someone else! Need to follow through!

    • Well, that one isn’t very new, neither is the picture they put up, In your town a while back we noticed her at a announcement rant they put on about the Medical school. That ones clearly outta the plum stage, done made it too prune, way back. The grapes go to raisins once left to the elements of your local stinking machine politics for a while……….. Show’s, as it does on all of’em.

      Raisins (Sultanas)
      A raisin is a dried grape. Raisins are produced in many regions of the world, used in (“cooking, baking and brewing”)……………………………………………..

    • Hell, new doesn’t have to bleed, we’d prefer new, and no blood involved. So, would most intelligent people struggling for that locales viability. You won’t be offered any of that with the present system there. That’s a historical ,too bad, but is a fact based conclusion .
      Real estate baggage, one of those should never be elected to ones governance. WTF is that going to fuel? Forecast is defined as “What’s That Forecast” WTF?
      Not a immature social sensation, but a reality. WTF, put a blazer in your governance the heat created will be connected directly to your rear, by the feats, as offered.

      Met that baggage at a kiosk in Eastland mall once, had a blue blazer on, but the sewn on threads looked adaptable in color (Taupe) clear through the mixed red to blue castings.

      Phooee. Bad art, presentation, crumby abstraction, and as, observed by blended medium. Fail for theme. 😛

  19. Now we know why, all of a sudden, that Friend came out with the truth about the city finances. Winnecke may win again and if it’s against Gail I hope he does. I hope Winnecke and Republicans and the people of the city of Evansville have learned what a bunch of slime the local democrats are. The democrats under Weinzapfel set the city up for bankruptcy and Winnecke will take the fall. All of the financial problems we face at this time can be placed at the shine of Evansville, the fraud center. Winnecke needs to come clean about the financial mess left by weinzapfel and the democrats.

    • Yea, and as usual the CCO and its inset political machine ranting is just more completely weighted in its bullshit, as ever. As usual. its still pure defined Bullshit. If not prove that, we’ll score it, without bias.
      Ones load of political bullshit, or the others, but weighted and scored, neither serves the purpose of the actual paying in of the revenue based values.
      The citizens bare all the cost, for all the bullshit.
      Who in fact, have to, and are regulated to pay forward all the bullshit machine politico misguidance, but have no say. and really don’t give a crap about downtowns shit-birds percentages of CSO to the entire Ohio valleys clean water network. That’s damming the entire communities value to the planet now anyway. “Shitbird’s on a bent.” Go onboard mind you……………………..With that, per assigned city/county sectioned costing.

      See, That’s “pure bullshit” and they all know it!
      When we talk to our people there, They’re just SO damned sick of being the rubes who must pay that forward for the incompetence of the downtown elitist bullshit, its pitiful

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