City County Observer has just learned that Evansville City Councilman John Friend, CPA,   will be appointing an exploratory committee to determine if he should run for the mayoral position in 2015.  Councilman Friend’s announcement has taken many political watchers by surprised because they were waiting to see if popular Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams would decide to make a run at the position himself in 2015.  With Friend’s advanced, surprising , announcement to form an exploratory campaign committee for the mayoral position, he gives credence to the rumors that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams shall be considering a run for the 8th District Congressional seat.
The City-County Observer has also just been informed that Councilman Friend will be elected as the next President of City Council this coming year. Â Our ‘Moles” tell us that Mr. Friend is attracting many people from numerous political persuasions that are committing early to assist him in his run for the mayoral position of 2015.
Stay turned for more breaking news as this story develops.
and this is a surprise? I’m surprised he’d be willing to take the pay cut
I’d rather back SBR or Connor O’Daniel, but if it’s Friend or OTW, I’ll vote for Friend. I’m not excited. I won’t donate time or money, or even display a yard sign or bumper sticker, but I’ll vote for him.
Looks like the Mayor shall have the political battle of his career.
Friends wins in political dog fight.
It would be great to have someone with actual business experience and a financial background running this city. Maybe we could actually get the books balanced and get some real leadership and capable people running our city departments, escpecially the Fire Dept. that guy is a joke.
+1 on the FC.
What exactly are Friends positions? What does he support? What projects does he want to see? What is his vision?
All I know about Friend is he is against everything and for nothing.
same ol story same old song and dance……..evansville will continue its ride into the poverty stricken bankrupt abyss…….with the good old boys recycling over and over again……….
This is great news. It’s going to take a lot of door knocking and poll walking to avenge these past few years.
The best part of this is now everyone is going to be talking about Friends mayoral run instead of Winneckes next boondoggle project of the week.
John I sure hope u hit him hard on Roberts Stadium.
Roberts Stadium lol Leave that dead horse alone!
Well, Friend may not be the most suitable, but, it sure appears that the electoral may wish to review the resumes of candidates instead of the charm and James Bond-like style. Yes, Friend has some short comings, who in the hell would invite an accountant to your party. Remember Ghost-Busters, the dreeb, the gate-keeper, he was an accountant, the famous line, “I invited clients, not friends, so I could deduct the cost of the party” amazing, what a buzz-kill. Maybe a Friend is what this city needs, not perfect by any means of the imagination, but, a numbers guy, if he was the mayor, maybe he would have connected the dots a year and one half ago and would have had the ERC go silently into the evening and procure options on downtown property to demonstrate that the City can delivered the location and future expansion. Of course, this would have diverted the attention away from the hotel. Maybe better planning and prioritizing would better be served, but, perhaps the Mayor maybe successful, but, rumor has it that locations have NOT been procured and perhaps IU will process this as issues going forward. Hey, Mr. Mayor, please start connecting the dots, at least for the sake of the downtown!
Good Luck Mr Friend.. I hope you know what you are getting into..
Good grief,Ole cuz just told me,none of’um are worth a dime to him or anyone else there,if they supported or support consolidated city county governments.
Wow! he’s usually right on those subjects, He sure has proved me wrong sometimes with political observations. Who ever runs for what there,somethings you just can’t paint over. I guess ole Cuz is right again, the “primary colors rule” works that concept forward when politics are involved.
Geez big political pho-pah I guess,gangam style big rimmed shades and all.
I personally think in some applications consolidation could work,just not there yet.
Recommendation: Create some real performance based engineered model changes,different wheels and chrome don’t change the rides performance much.
Third party opportunity and influences are very viable when conditionals exist as are observed there lately,as well.
“pretty straight forward”..no frills, so to speak.
Good grief,Ole cuz just told me,none of’um are worth a dime to him or anyone else there,if they supported or support consolidated city county governments.
Wow! he’s usually right on those subjects, He sure has proved me wrong sometimes with political observations. Who ever runs for what there,somethings you just can’t paint over. I guess ole Cuz is right again, the “primary colors rule” works that concept forward when politics are involved.
Geez big political pho-pah I guess,gangam style big rimmed shades and all.
I personally think in some applications consolidation could work,just not there yet.
Recommendation: Create some real performance based engineered model changes,different wheels and chrome don’t change the rides performance much.
Third party opportunity and influences are very viable when conditionals exist as are observed there lately,as well.
“pretty straight forward”..no frills, so to speak.
Is there a movement to draft Al Lindsey or SBR? They are the ones with the common sense that Evansville desperately needs.
Hey, Buddha, how did that draft thing work during the vietnam war??
SBR has said on multiple times during Finance Committee that she does not understand what is going on. That’s a no for me…
Whoever seek the throne, please remember, the kingdom is not an entitlement, until we decide that this election thing is nonsense, Until then, we need to closely evaluate the individuals who seek the temporary throne. Is it power, influence, personal gain, or the combination thereof….hopefully, whoever it is, they are absent an agenda, special interest, political patronage, etc….So, let’s examine the fruit the trees bare….let’s look at the walk they walk and not the talk they talk. For the sake of our Community, let us examine closely those who wish to lead us!
Looks like we about to see what Sheriff Eric Williams future political plans are.
Sheriff Williams it’s time for you to put up or shut up.
Rumor is that he is going to challenge Buschon, so if that is true, there will be no talk of him running for Mayor. That is, unless something freaky happens and we send Buschon back to DC. Then, we will hear about a possible run for Mayor.
I heard Brad Ellsworth has advised him against running for the U S senate. He told him to stay close to Evanspatch and let the Party make his decisions.
And, if all else fails, he can get a job with Vectren selling snake oil.
Nice,however a little problem they call Global Climate change puts’em right back on the front line in defense of ones well being so to speak.
http://www.en.Wikipedia.org lists coal energies environmental impacts as a related cause to attrition of more than 24,,000 premature deaths in the united states alone,population control in China,heck a half a million a year there.
Owensboro and Terra Haute were listed pretty bad in one article related to coal energy and the regional from,
http:// http://www.ecomail.com/greenshopping/cleanair.com.htm
Makes NTSB traffic related premature deaths look like a zit in compared to an super volcano when the total overall human costing is in focus.
Consider this as well,back when Evansville was at its industrial peak production,even many homes burned coal,the old stoker type gravity systems,it was said then if it snowed downtown and one wanted to observe that, build a snowman, or let the kids go out sledding in it you had to do that first day fallen.
The fly ash and particulates actually turned the snow into a nasty greyish, black dot covered toxic waste dump before sunrise the next day.
That was then,this is now, and way better, thank goodness the research and improvement is ongoing.
Looks like China today,kinda resembles what the Americas looked like during the early last centuries industrial push.
I would say if you live in your metro area you should probably watch the ongoing R&D costing Vectren is pouring into updates to meet EPA standards required in that region.
Thats a tough business,we all need power,and we all must work to sequester climate change.
Those people there at Vectren are front line on that in the industry,hope for yourself they stay that way.
Clean coal energy is a must not a option and its advanced R&D in the Earth Sciences that will build those balances and sustainabilities* into the 21 st century and its challenging horizons.
“Front line stuff,for your local economy thus the usual politics per/the climate change solutions there fellows.”
“transit umbra,lux permaet”
“shadow passes,light remains” 😉
Nice,however a little problem they call Global Climate change puts’em right back on the front line in defense of ones well being so to speak.
http://www.en.Wikipedia.org lists coal energies environmental impacts as a related cause to attrition of more than 24,,000 premature deaths in the united states alone,population control in China,heck a half a million a year there.
Owensboro and Terra Haute were listed pretty bad in one article related to coal energy and the regional from,
http:// http://www.ecomail.com/greenshopping/cleanair.com.htm
Makes NTSB traffic related premature deaths look like a zit in compared to an super volcano when the total overall human costing is in focus.
Consider this as well,back when Evansville was at its industrial peak production,even many homes burned coal,the old stoker type gravity systems,it was said then if it snowed downtown and one wanted to observe that, build a snowman, or let the kids go out sledding in it you had to do that first day fallen.
The fly ash and particulates actually turned the snow into a nasty greyish, black dot covered toxic waste dump before sunrise the next day.
That was then,this is now, and way better, thank goodness the research and improvement is ongoing.
Looks like China today,kinda resembles what the Americas looked like during the early last centuries industrial push.
I would say if you live in your metro area you should probably watch the ongoing R&D costing Vectren is pouring into updates to meet EPA standards required in that region.
Thats a tough business,we all need power,and we all must work to sequester climate change.
Those people there at Vectren are front line on that in the industry,hope for yourself they stay that way.
Clean coal energy is a must not a option and its advanced R&D in the Earth Sciences that will build those balances and sustainabilities* into the 21 st century and its challenging horizons.
“Front line stuff,for your local economy thus the usual politics per/the climate change solutions there fellows.”
“transit umbra,lux permaet”
“shadow passes,light remains” 😉
Mr. Friend,
You know as well as anyone I’ve been skeptical of you. Some of your votes have been less than ideal. I understand the line between practicality and principle is a difficult one to balance upon, yet this is precisely what you’re going to have to do henceforth.
Make this campaign about frugality and responsible leadership. Keep a tight focus on the issues without getting too far lost in the esoteric numbers that accompany your profession. You have a tendency to ramble on at times and this tendency will need to be wrangled. Numbers are cold, hard, and devoid of emotion, but so are carcasses. Voters won’t vote for a carcass, but they will vote for a responsible individual who can articulate where this Mayor has failed and what policies and principles you will bring to bear in an effort to correct his mistakes.
Get your talking points in order. Hit him hard without coming across as mean-spirited. Ultimately, this isnt about Winnecke’s failures, its about a better future for Evansville. Good luck.
If Friend ends up running, and truly wants to get elected, he will have to end up having some results to show for all of his puffery. Many on this board have noted his “loud barking but no bite” tendencies. In this past year, I’ve seen three examples of lots of noise coming from mouth, but no action:
1) IT Assessment: Friend was the sponsor of having this done, but when it was found that Mayor manipulated the process, Friend went tone deaf;
2) Johnson Controls: A lot of words and observations about a lame project, yet he voted for it;
3) Downtown Hotel: Give him credit for lowering the public subsidy . . . but giving away $ 20 Million with no business plan and no vetting of the principals does not promote much trust among the regular people for a financial person.
If Friend can back up his many, many words with actions and results, he will win big.
Friend was instrumental in ensuring that residents could house racing pigeons in their rooftop coops, so he does have that as a foundation to get started with.
But seriously, Friend has 2 Years from now to start collecting pelts (wins, outcomes) and putting them on his belt before the election. Choose wisely Commodore Friend.
I’ve been hacked !
It is funny how many people do live in Evansville but spend so much time commenting on this site.
–even more “funny”, is how many who do not live in Evansville,- contribute substantial money to Local Candidates campaigns. (eg. Weinzapful for Mayor).
* do not live
Auto correct
my derp
John Friend is a nice guy.
In observing Mr. Friends actions it appears he suffers from untreated Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. He talks in circles, never actually completing a thought before shifting to a different subject in mid-sentence. His blithering speech pattern obliterates any wisdom or insight that he might be trying, albeit failing, to express. It is his common practice to arrive late for his committee meetings, always apologizing for the delay. I understand that is the case with his business meetings as well. He asks questions on the council floor that were asked and discussed minutes earlier. At a recent meeting, a man introduced himself, gave his presentation, and fielded questions for 15 minutes before Chairman Friend called the mans’ name to come before the Council and speak. He was sitting there but his mind went out to play for a while. That kind of inattentiveness is counterintuitive for managing a city. Medication is clearly in order.
On what medical basis would you say ‘medication is clearly in order’ ? Would ginseng root suffice, or do you have an Rx in mind ?
That is a low blow for you to make such an unsubstantiated statement. I watch those meetings on TV, and Friend has a whole lot on his plate–he does more research on the topics before council than any other member, based on the detailed questions he asks (sometimes too detailed).
Shut up or prove your position, a lot of multitasking/juggling needed by the chair of the Finance Committee.
You’re right of course, I am not a doctor. It was in observation of Mr. Friend’s behavior and listening to him speak that I came to that unsubstantiated conclusion. Listening to him speak and attempting to follow his train of thought is usually tedious, sometimes painful, and always comical but not funny ha ha.
Ellen Woerter: Well said
Hey, Ms Ellen, as history has proven concerning President Clinton, he was notorious for being late for meetings. What is so amazing is if he could ran again, he would be elect overwhelming. Not necessarily a perfect individual, like yourself, but, your 401 K was rockin back in those day, were they not, or are you one of those folks who live check to check? Maybe you would like to see Bush back in the saddle. Our Mayor had over six months to negotiate a deal HCW, you know the guys who refused to offer up their financial data, what Friend request and IU demands and, was it not the retired, as you so classify, that held the hotel deal up and at the end, saved the taxpayers of Evansville $18,500,000. My vote, is we need more retires like Friend, and less elitist, perhaps like yourself?
Bottomsup: Why do you think Ellen Woerter is an elitist? John Friend has a problem.
Your posting is right out of the liberal play book…vilifying anyone with an opinion with which you do not agree. What you gleaned from my posting is that I am elitist, I think I’m perfect, I may be one of those people who live check to check, and somehow I classified retired or retires. I’m still perplexed by those comments; what does that mean anyway? I did not use the word retire in and of its’ tenses. And please tell me how my financial status has any bearing on an honest political debate? You would strengthen your position by focusing your comments on the crux of the debate instead of attempting to malign the character of your political foes. Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.
As far as presidents go, I would prefer Mickey Mouse over what we have. At least Mickey would be honest with us.
Dec 16, 2013
A guest post by Francis Porretto
Originally posted at art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif Liberty’s Torch
Mr. Porretto’s Liberty’s Torch is on Remus’s short list of won’t-miss reads, as was Eternity Road before it. To the dismay of us lesser keyboard tappers, Mr. Porretto regularly sets new standards of insight and exposition, then exceeds them. Even by this measure, Ineducability art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif stands out.
Men of good will habitually assume that other men are much like them. They, being animated and guided by what C. S. Lewis called the Law of General Benevolence, have difficulty conceiving of a body of motivation centered on malice, venality, or cruelty. They want nothing from others except what should come to them in consequence of a fulfilled agreement, and cannot imagine how anyone could be otherwise oriented.
Most Americans are men of good will. Most politicians are not:
• The man of good will seeks prosperity in harmony with his fellows; the politician seeks power over others.
• The man of good will understands the requirements for comprehension and honest effort in the fulfillment of his promises; the politician dismisses such notions as “for the little people.”
• The man of good will frankly discloses his aims to his trading partners, and expects them to do likewise; the politician hides his true agenda for as long as possible.
Thus, for a man of good will to deal with politicians and political bodies as if they were like him is a fatal error. The latter will view the former as a sheep to be shorn.
When the man of good will lays out an airtight logical case before a political body, as did the young woman in the art-link-symbol-tiny-grey-arrow-only-rev01.gif video above, he expects it to prevail on the merits. When it fails to do so, often leaving no trace of its passing, he tends to look for fault in himself. He assumes there must have been some flaw in his reasoning, or some ambiguity in his evidence, such that his argument failed to convince. This, too, is a fatal error.
Politicians are not educable in the traditional sense. They are creatures of power: power seekers and power fearers. Their relations with one another are intensely suspicious and zero-sum competitive. Their relations with common citizens are indelibly imbued with contempt. With vanishingly few exceptions, nothing but power matters to them.
The defense of the right to keep and bear arms is not about educating our political class. They don’t lack any element of the knowledge or logic behind that right. They know full well what it was guaranteed to provide: a bulwark against the infinite lust for power that animates them and others like them. Their hostility to it, regardless of their verbal representations, is not about your safety; it’s about theirs.
They will never, ever agree that the State must respect the right to keep and bear arms. All that will prevent them from ripping it out of our hands is fear: in the best case, fear of being turned out of office; in the worst, fear of being hanged from a lamppost for the edification of others.
Milton Friedman was at his wisest when he said that freedom depends less upon electing good men than upon creating conditions within which bad men would feel irresistibly pressured to do the right thing. Friedman understood the essential evil of the State—and that an evil institution, necessary or otherwise, would inevitably become the demesne of evil persons.
The moral should be clear.
Do not think to “educate” politicians.
Never condescend to “negotiate” with them.
Instill in them an ineradicable fear of your wrath.
As Mark Twain said, they’re “our only native criminal class.”
Press–Thank you for this post, the author is clear, concise and speaks to the heart of the matter before the American Voter at every election cycle.–Term Limits are at our fingertips.
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