IS IT TRUE we promised to make an announcement concerning a subscription charge for City County Observer in 2015?…because of you, our readers and our advertisers the CCO had a phenomenal year in 2014?  ….in 2014 we were able to live within our economic means, meaning that we started the year with no debt, ended the year with no debt, and paid all of our bills on time?…if the City of Evansville conducted itself in a similar manner financially as the CCO there would be no need for them to make any rate or tax increases?…the City of Evansville would also not be dreading the coming day when their credit card limit is reached?…it is with extreme pleasure that we announce that the subscription rate for the CCO for 2015 is exactly ZERO (0) because we lived within our economic means since the day we started the business?
IS IT TRUE that year after year the City County Observer has increased its readership metrics?   …last year CCO posted a record 1.8 million page reviews? …because we have practiced conservative and sound business principals in order to provide our readers with interesting and breaking news that the local Main Stream Media has no interest in covering we have established a creative and cutting edge that traditional newspapers once had?…it is the fearless reporting of facts with that are ignored or not made available to traditional outlets that draws readers from all over the world who have an interest in Evansville back to the CCO?
 IS IT TRUE we also promised that we will be  announcing additional adjustments in the future direction of the CCO for 2015?…we are pleased to announce that we shall be adding Personal Advice articles,  Comics,  Wine Review,  Horoscopes,  Applause by “Lifestyle LIL”,  Food and Cooking and local Entertainment Guide to name a few new additions to the CCO beginning next month?
IS IT TRUE don’t be surprised to learn that sometime in early 2015 that the City County Observer shall be launching a free in-print newspaper community newspaper that shall be distributed in area retail establishments.  …the only question that needs to be resolved is will this free in print community newspaper be a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly publication?  …that we shall also continue to publish the CCO on-line daily?
IS IT TRUE we  would like to respectably ask that you recommend to your business contacts that they consider advertising with the CCO? …we would appreciate that you have your business connections or friends contact Mollie at to inquire about our advertising packages?…thanks to you and our advertisers we are able to provide the citizens of this community with  a reliable alternative source of news with a unique fearless Editorial perspective at no cost to you our readers?
Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    • That straight BS from your bents drives the success they’ve had You dumbasses, hey keep it up as its an nice open blog.
      Lots of facts less BS. Straight facts, no chaser required . As long as your idiots provide the opposing view against the draw cards available for that public realm there we wish them success in they’re endeavor. Without the lousy localized machine politics they wouldn’t have a hell of a lot to sport there.

      Ah, hah, ha. That’s tricky but as always you lost.

    • Why give you a break? Everybody knows you , then we repeat why would any one that pays in to he revenue base give “you a break”? Answer it asshole, we all really want to know.

        • Then don’t read them. You can read the articles without ever looking at a single comment.

          • yea what she said. A smart person simply skips over things they don’t like to read. IE IGNORE THE BS and move on.

  1. You might want to reconsider charging a fee. The Pres. announced today his desire to tax methane gas emissions. There is a lot of gas coming off this site. If he uses his pen to create a law like that you may have to charge.

      • Ghost/ Moveon without org, You missed on the Steve deal. You want to try my last name. I make very few posts compared to you, V and LKB. Also i am not the one who was nicknamed the Rambling Rose on the C&P site.

        • I never miss what I am aiming at. And if it smells like a rat, walks like a rat and looks like a rat I’m going to call it a RAT!

    • All that gas is coming from a few people. —–> Points finger at Cowboy. How much does the Mayor pay you to troll in here? And I agree with the President that we need to plug up the methane gas leaks sooner rather than later. Hey just remember that in your case a little BENO goes a long long ways. 🙂

      • Damn Movedon its they’re diet. To much fiber, its the “greens” as in “backs”! Beno can’t touch that ……$#!t. Gaseous stuff when it comes back to haunt one.

        • Amazing how many errors one can pack into a short paragraph: Damn (comma) – its should be it’s – they’re should be their – To much should be Too much – its again should be it’s – Beno should be Beano – Maybe “V” should wait until the alcohol wears off and the coffee kicks in before posting…

          • Jerk. That spelled right ? Loving it you know your hitting the target when they respond with the grammar police stuff. Jerks. Its only a blog.
            You are right about the brand name though. So what?

          • MOUNPOP is the grammar POLISE! 🙁 stick that up your butt and sit on it. Izts amasing howe onei cam geet so upset abut a Whttle Spellzing errior. LUL

          • Nah, just sick of someone who claims to have been an Army Officer, Business Owner, Member of the Amalgamated Assemblies of Extraterrestrial Sentient Beings Super-Secret Coalition and Bridge Club and yet cannot write a cohesive sentence; especially one without scatalogical references.

  2. Good call by LKB on identifying the “subscription charge” ruse.

    I still find editorial integrity problems with the CCO Editor. (Including Editor’s failures to provide attribution for articles and images from other third party media and blog sources. This has to stop. It’s plagiarism for God’s sake.)

    The integrity issue? Editor can’t seem to be loyal to objective analysis, and as a result, instead of a “bridge-keeper” he is a vandal who burns the bridge if it suits his needs. To wit, last year’s CCO unabashed swing support of Ungetheim, done NOT because he was a proper candidate, but solely because his opponents pulled some advertising from the CCO, reinforces this. Discipline and objectivity would have avoided that. But the CCO stirs the pot w/out consideration of public policy advocacy or objective analysis, and it appears it does that to create fear among politicians “that they better advertise here, or we will come after you.” That won’t work in the long run, you burn your bridges. This kind of behavior results in the CCO losing the respect of all of its constituencies, including the Advertisers.

    I still enjoy the CCO, even with it’s faults, I have to stipulate. The platform the CCO has created to facilitate the vigorous exchange of ideas between the readers is its best asset.

    • Nobody gives a crap about what you think. “To wit”- seriously stop. The 30 minutes you spent languishing over your analogy and word choice was a waste of your time. I couldn’t get beyond the first paragraph. The tern “narcissist” comes to mind.

    • We can always depend on an disparaging view from Shem, his pontifications concerning the CCO intent, motives, content, and direction, are based on a Smug view of Himself, that pervades just about every “2-cents” he spouts, as we again see in his posting here,—nothing but conjecture, and BS in his pitiful attacks on the integrity of the Principals of the CCO. What a Jerk !

    • The platform the CCO has created to facilitate the vigorous exchange of ideas between the readers is its best asset.

      I have to agree with you on this one thing. And this is where the Evansville Courier screwed up big time by getting rid of the exchange of information by going to a subscription. The number of comments in their comment section is way down. Which means that less people read the paper these days and or make comments. That is a loss IMHO.

    • You seem to be confused about who is whom at CCO. Joe is the editor and Ron is the publisher. I know you seem to identify with Joe and bash Ron, so it may be good to know who it is before you deliver a slam.

    • It is true. I have been harsh on Editor. My comments are accurate and legitimate. He is plenty big boy, he can take it, and everyone else here knows that is true. Hardball is the CCO’s specialty. And I often find myself cheering on the CCO and it’s libertarian approach to governmental and economic issues, but especially the CCO’s advocacy for the private rights of individuals and ALL couples to live free, with equal access to the law including marriage law, in the pursuit of their own family’s happiness. (I laughed at Tao Pooh and Crash! Hey man, you do your thing, I’ll do my thing.)

  3. Your dumb! Oh Yeah? Well your dumber! And on and on we go, where it stops nobody knows.

    Come on. Give it a rest this morning. If you do not have something of interest to add to the conversation then conserve the bandwidth and forget about conserving methane gas.

    • Press, the trolls like Ghost, Shem and Tea Party Animal are simply hopeless leftist occupy wall street anti-Americans. It’s best to ignore them. However, it was hard to ignore the anti-American editorial cartoon in the Courier & Pravda this morning. Simply shameful.

      • Yeeeeha!! Hey Joe!! You should come over, we got some old lobster tails and crammed’m with brim with fried butter sticks! Beat a path to tha door!

        Sorry about kicking 1Countryboy’s ass yesterday, maybe you’re sore about that. Ole country boy…he ain’t had nothin more to say about Obummercare!

        But JoeBinden. Cain’t figure you thinkin my sister and me ain’t American. We’re white after all. Guess if’n you think we aint agree’n n stuff, that makes you more American than us. That’s a bunch of Tao Pooh, Pooh you know.

      • Oh, and JoeBiden, I forgot. I know you spend a lot of time over in Al Sharpie’s bunker. Well, we got more class than Al.
        Al Sharpie deep fries his butter sticks but puts’em your hand. My sister figured that out cause that’s too hot. She saves our old fudge sickle sticks, so we serve those boys on a stick.

  4. But, But, But !!! I WANT TO PAY A FEE !!! My financial status has so turned around for the better and to such a degree under the guidance and stewardship of the present powers that be at the Federal level that I now have all of my excess storage capacity stacked to the rafters with straps of multi denominational spoils!

    Please save me from myself and abscond with my immorally obtained ill gotten gains !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I beseech thee . . . . . . . redistribute my soul !

    • Guaranteed…LUTHER, you’re one of those people so driven by hatred for Obama, if he cured cancer, you would gripe about the loss of cancer healthcare jobs. The “I will not admit to progress of any sort by the Obama administration”….is demeaning to your efforts to be taken seriously. The ACA is surprising everyone, including me, on the progress it is making.

      • Hey fool, show me where I mentioned Obama in my text! I made a generic referral to the powers that be in DC. If you weren’t so racked with guilt in electing the fool and constantly appearing the idiot savant supporting his egomaniacal tendancing maybe you could read and understand the english language !

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