Breaking News :City Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley Call for Chief Bolin to Resign 



City Councilwoman for Evansville’s Third Ward, Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, called today for Chief Bolin to resign his position as the Chief of the Evansville Police Department.

In making the call, Brinkerhoff-Riley stated, “The 7th Circuit decision that the EPD’s mistakes during the Milan raid were not reasonable and don’t warrant immunity should be the final leadership mistake made by Chief Bolin. A SWAT team is potentially lethal to those they encounter. We cannot afford the potential for another raid that is not warranted. While Chief Bolin is a likeable guy, he is not qualified as an administrator. The closing or planned closings of police stations, pulling patrol officers off of assigned geographic areas to unfamiliar territory for runs, refusing to have a consistent policy on the release of body camera footage, and internal inconsistencies that have led to the low morale of officers are some of the mistakes made. The police department deserves better leadership.”


  1. Wasn,t she just on Mosby and Weaver about asking for Musgraves resignation now she wants one lol unreal.

    • This is going to get us sued Again. Weaver got us sued, so he should hush. Mrs. Brinkerhoff Riley will soon be out of the game, so I’d say she isn’t posturing, she has done a LOT of good in her council position (like pointing out that our money was being thrown to the four winds)

  2. Political posturing at its finest. And she’s right. The chief isn’t qualified to be the chief and is there because he campaigned for the current mayor. Of course it’s easy to pile on the chief after the court made their ruling.

    • After the courts ruling is when she should call for the resignation. People where ready to hang her for doing nothing wrong. If they would have just waited for the judges ruling, it would have been apparent; she was right

  3. I’m not disagreeing with anything she says, but WHY is she quitting the council? Her recommendations ring hollow if she leaves the battle.

    • And none of Weaver’s comments have anything to do with the price of gold in London.

      It’s the oldest ruse in the world. Attack the messenger, character assassination, smear them.

      And you know what? None of us are perfect so people like Weaver will always have that attack excuse and the weak minded followers will buy it.

      The question at hand is NOT whether Ms Riley is a perfect human but whether her analysis of the situation is accurate. In light of the court’s opinion and the video this is NOT a frivolous suit, this is very serious, and shows a lack of training and administrative follow through.

      Her analysis is correct, Bolin should resign.

      • Well said, BB. Bolin has been a disaster as a leader of EPD, but he continues to collect the fat paycheck, as he “serves at the pleasure of the Mayor.” It appears that our Mayor has a very low threshold of pleasure when it comes to public servants.

  4. We think Mr. Weavers a GD hypocritical pig, treat the crud, as so. No weight for the stinking light weight. Prediction. This will be more than proven in the coming days.

  5. Weaver made his attacks personal and they were despicable. Weaver has many of his own personal issues that are well known. The facts are the facts. This discussion should be about facts, not personal attacks. This speaks of a person’s character, or lack thereof.

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