billy bolin

The City County Observer has just posted its first Tri-State Voices TV show on the CCO Mole TV network.

Our first guest is Evansville Chief Of Police Billy Bolin.  This program is hosted by well known and highly respected Mike Woods of Woods and Woods law firm.  Tri-State Voices show was created by the City County Observer and produced ME TV, Evansville.
ME TV aires the Tri-State Voices show on Sunday morning and the City County Observer post this program each Monday.
Please go to our video section on the upper right hand corner to view an extremely professionally produced and informative interview with our popular Police Chief Billy Bolin.
Our next show will feature an in-depth interview with John Friend President of the Evansville City Council.


  1. Impressive interview. Mike Woods did a great job and Billy Bolin was extremely informative.

  2. What a wonderful way to get information out to Evansville peeps! Way to go CCO! I love the positive information!

  3. This is a damn good move. I’m especially glad to see chief bolin back to the way he originally was- honest, transparent, and leading while others follow. His housing registration has been a valuable resource in fighting the blight.

    I haven’t seen the monastrelle interview. That’s good. He needs to be asked real and tough questions about the terrible way the ECVB handled the ball fields. I don’t appreciate the way the process played out. I rounded up seven votes for ungethiem and swaim just this week. They need to be put in leadership positions because of their bold previous actions.

  4. Great move CCO. Billy Bolin interview was excellent. Mike Woods did a masterful job.

  5. Chief Bolin really knows his stuff. Looks like the CCO has taken it to the next level.

  6. Very nice interview with Chief Bolin. Larry did a great job. I can see this becoming an important link between the Citizenry and their Governance.
    Again: very nice. …

  7. I’d still like to hear Bolin explain the swat raid on the little old lady and her granddaughter. If that was addressed in this thing I apologize, I did not watch it. Also his immature social media antics.

    • Was that directed at me? Bolin is a hothead idiot. For that I make no apology.

  8. I think the video camera’s are the greatest thing I’ve ever heard of the EPD doing. Hopefully this will be a positive change

  9. Ya know what would help? A CCO “channel” on YouTube. Then people could always get an on-demand copy, you’d be able to refer to it from the website, and more!

  10. After watching this, how strange is it that Pete Swaim refused to be on this program? I now have a higher opinion of BIlly Bolin and I truly do think he’s trying to improve the EPD’s relationship with the community.

    The CCO and Mike Woods did a really nice job on this!

  11. This is a great interview, and I just want to congratulate Billy Bolin for his position on officer cameras. This is a massive step forward. Good job, Sir!

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