Senator Braun & Senator Sinema are introducing a bill to help hire more veterans in federal land management

WASHINGTON — Today, Senators Mike Braun and Kyrsten Sinema introduced the Hire Veterans Act which would create a five-year pilot program to strengthen the pipeline for veterans seeking skilled labor opportunities within federal land management agencies. Over the course of the past decade, federal agencies have routinely suffered from staffing shortages.

Notably, in April 2022, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) had 5,300 fewer employees than it did in January 2017. Additionally, in 2021 the Department of the Interior (DOI) cited approximately 5,000 firefighter openings nationwide.

“As Hoosier veterans transition to civilian employment we must ensure that we have programs in place to help these veterans get hired. The Hire Veterans Act creates a pilot program to ease this transition by matching qualified veterans with open career opportunities in federal land management agencies.” — Sen. Braun

“After years of service and sacrifice, Arizona veterans deserve access to strong careers where they can continue building the future they want for themselves and their families.” — Sen. Sinema

“On behalf of our 1.6 million dues-paying members, The American Legion is proud to support the Hire Veterans Act. By encouraging hiring practices that provide employment opportunities for veterans in critical land management roles, Hire Veterans Act will ensure more of our nation’s veterans are able to build fulfilling careers following their service to our nation.” — Chairman John Bowen Sr., American Legion’s Veterans’ Employment and Education Commission

“Backcountry Hunters & Anglers has always recognized the inherent value of including the military community in the management of our public lands and water. These men and women possess evident personal values and a strength of character that led them to place the needs of their country higher than their instinct for self-preservation. Not only will this pilot program find acceptable candidates across the military community for these roles but it will identify multiple exceptional candidates who will lead the conservation conversation on public lands for decades to come. Thank you, Senators Braun, and Sinema, for putting pen to paper in support of this legislation that will help recognize the tremendous asset our military community members can be to our public lands and waters.” – Trevor Hubbs, Armed Forces Initiative Coordinator, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Endorsements: Disabled American Veterans, the American Legion, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, and Veterans of Foreign Wars.