Braun leads GOP senators in the bill to prevent IRS from being weaponized


Braun leads GOP senators in the bill to prevent IRS from being weaponized

Senators Braun, Rick Scott, Young, Romney, Capito, Moran, and Risch are leading the bill to protect Americans from being targeted by the IRS for ideological reasons

WASHINGTON — Senator Mike Braun and Senators Rick Scott, Young, Romney, Capito, Moran, and Risch today introduced a bill to prevent the IRS from being used as a political weapon against conservative non-profit groups.

From 2010 to 2012, the Obama IRS spent over two years systematically targeting conservative tax-exempt groups. The Trump administration released a final rule in May 2020 that prevented the IRS from targeting certain tax-exempt groups based on their political beliefs.

The Don’t Weaponize the IRS Act codifies the Trump rule that protects groups regardless of their political ideology or beliefs and prevents the IRS from doxing donors to these groups.

The bill’s reintroduction comes as the IRS’s impartiality is being questioned for visiting the home of journalist Matt Taibbi – whose reporting revealed collaboration between the federal government and social media companies such as Twitter to censor inconvenient information and counter-narrative news stories – while he was testifying at the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Removing the requirement to report the names and addresses of donors helps protect taxpayers’ First Amendment rights: such information is not needed for tax administration purposes.

“We saw during the Obama years how the IRS is used as a political weapon to target dissenters, and now President Biden has supercharged the IRS with an extra $80 billion dollars. This bill will prevent the IRS from being weaponized against Americans for ideological reasons.” – Senator Mike Braun

“We need to protect the First Amendment rights of all Americans,” said Senator Young. “Our bill will help ensure the IRS cannot target individuals based on their political beliefs.”

“The IRS should never expose taxpayers’ private information because of their political ideology. The Don’t Weaponize the IRS Act will prevent the Biden administration’s IRS agents from targeting Americans regardless of their political leanings.” – Senator Risch

“Too often over the last decade, the IRS has been used for political means. This legislation will prevent the IRS from targeting Americans—because of their presumed political or religious beliefs—in the future.” – Senator Romney

“The IRS should do its work impartially and without political bias,” said Sen. Moran. “This legislation will help prevent the IRS from unfairly targeting groups with conservative beliefs, especially in light of the Biden administration’s plan to spend billions of dollars to hire thousands of additional IRS employees.”


  1. .
    Oh, for sure Sen. Braun!!!!!

    He is right.

    Headline: “Trump Uses the IRS as a Weapon Against Opponents”
    No less than the White House Chief of Staff for the President, said this:

    “While in office, President Donald J. Trump repeatedly told John F. Kelly, his White House Chief of Staff, that he wanted a number of his perceived political enemies to be investigated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Mr. Kelly said.

    Mr. Kelly, who was chief of staff said that Mr. Trump’s demands were part of a broader pattern of him trying to use the Justice Department and his authority as president against people who had been critical of him, including seeking to revoke the security clearances of former top intelligence officials.

    Mr. Kelly said that among those Mr. Trump said “we ought to investigate” and “get the I.R.S. on” were the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey and his deputy, Andrew G. McCabe. His account of Mr. Trump’s desires to use the I.R.S. against his foes comes after the revelations this summer that Mr. Comey and Mr. McCabe had both been selected for a rare and highly intrusive audit by the tax agency in the years after Mr. Kelly left the White House.”

    Weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department/Illegal Prosecution!!!

    (…….right. Go ahead you manipulated weak-minded Trump fan fools. Send Trump your Friday paycheck.)

  2. Republicans complain about democrats weaponizing the IRS against their opponents. I guess they have short term memory deficits regarding Trump’s weaponizing the government against his opponents. Now House Republicans created a weaponization committee against democratic policies during democratic administrations. How hypocritical of the republicans. Now all of the bills from the republican Hiuse are weaponized against anything that doesn’t go along with their agenda or to punish others whom don’t follow their agenda .

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