WASHINGTON — Senator Braun released the following statement after the House Homeland Security Committee announced impeachment proceedings against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas will begin with hearings next week, on January 10.

The House voted to send an impeachment resolution to the committee in November. Senator Mike Braun previouslycalled for Secretary Mayorkas to resign or be impeached last year.

“The House should move swiftly to impeach Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Under President Biden’s direction, Secretary Mayorkas has refused to enforce the immigration laws of the United States by allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to stream over our open border, abused our asylum and parole laws to release thousands of illegal immigrants into our communities, and endangered every American citizen by choosing not to protect our border from terrorists and fentanyl. I’ve been to the southern border to see President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas’s self-made crisis firsthand, and I called for Mayorkas to resign or be impeached and removed because every month we do nothing to fix Biden’s border crisis is another 60,000 gotaways entering our country illegally.”


  1. I totally agree. This man has done NOTHING to protect or border or our country. His oath of office clearly states he swore to protect our country from enemies both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC, which he has done neither. In most cases even made it easier for us to be invaded. I believe it is a deliberate attempt to weaken our defenses and our economy to the point where our CIC will declare martial law and stop elections all together.

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