Home State News Braun challenges new Biden rule that will crush affordable health care plans

Braun challenges new Biden rule that will crush affordable health care plans


Introduced under Congressional Review Act by Senators Mike Braun, Roger Marshall, Mike Lee, and Ron Johnson President Biden promised on the campaign trail that if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.

He broke that promise with a new rule that would limit short term limited duration insurance plans.

These plans – called STLDI plans – are affordable, comprehensive plans that can be renewed to best suit beneficiaries’ unique situations.

In other words, not the one-size-fits-all, top-down federal government the Biden White House wants.

Senator Mike Braun, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Roger Marshall, and Senator Ron Johnson are challenging this new rule under the Congressional Review Act.

Senator Braun previously challenged President Biden’s ESG 401(k) rule that would encourage money managers to prioritize politics over returns for retirees. Braun’s challenge passed the House and the Senate on bipartisan votes.

Here are the basics:

  • Right now, Americans can maintain STLDI plans for up to 12 months, and a maximum of 36 months with renewals.
  • The Biden Administration’s final rule will severely limit STLDI coverage to no more than 4 months total, prohibiting any renewals.
  • Up to 500,000 people could lose their current health insurance as a result of this rule.
    • The Biden administration admits “those individuals who become uninsured could face an increased risk of higher out-of-pocket expenses and medical debt, reduced access to health care, and potentially worse health outcomes.”

Braun’s challenge to the new rule: 

  • Senator Braun is challenging this rule. 
  • Due to the House and Senate rules, Senator Braun will be able to force a vote on this challenge to Biden’s rule to protect Americans from losing affordable, comprehensive health coverage. 
  • The resolution requires a simple majority vote threshold.

More information: 

  • Around 2-3 million Americans rely on STLDI plans. These Americans are in danger of losing their comprehensive coverage.

o    The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) characterized 95% of STLDI plans as “comprehensive major medical polic[ies].”

  • CBO also found that STLDI plans can be 60% cheaper than Obamacare bronze plans.
  • Out-of-pocket limits for coverage in the individual market is at a record-high, at $9,450 for an individual and $18,900 for a family.

o    This is nearly a 16% increases since 2020.

  • Since 1996, STLDI has been exempt from most federal health insurance laws and regulations, resulting in it being an affordable and well-tailored option for many.