Brandon Lee Ferguson Officially Files For State Representative IN INdy


Brandon Lee Ferguson Officially Files For State Representative In Indy

Attention public TEACHERS in the area!   I have officially filed at Indianapolis yesterday, I want to make sure everyone is aware of this.  Just when you think the teachers are finally getting a break, the Republicans try passing HB 1325, which basically added an EXTRA TEN YEARS OF SERVICE to be able to retire.

I confronted the author of the bill and asked him why take away from the teacher AGAIN!  He doesn’t like the idea of government funding retirement.  He gave me an example of other state, which can’t fund its own retirement.  Which infuriates me, because of a couple reasons: first, you can’t compare other states to our own, that’s like comparing apple to oranges. Secondly, in Illinois the money was taken out of that fund for other uses and promised to be put back but was never returned. Just like social security was taken out to fund a war and was never returned. Now I wonder when they are going to attack that.

The real question is where the accountability is! The middle class has to always make up the difference. We gain nothing and lose everything. Please support me in becoming the next State Rep for Evansville and I will do everything i can to protect our public education!


Brandon Lee Ferguson


  1. Sure, let’s keep doing what worked for Illinois and expect different results. After all, their teachers’ pension plans are apples and our plans are oranges. I am assuming the bill has to do with a pension plan. Pension plans are the problem. They become unsustainable and, as this bill shows, can be taken away.

    So at what age can a teacher retire? If it’s not 62 like most other workers, then this bill is an equalizer. That information would be more impressive for one seeking office than references to fruit.

  2. So, this gentleman is running so he can retire on a taxpayer funded pension at age 50? Sweeeet! Definitely a man seeking to serve the public. If they are teachers in the union, of course.

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