Evansville is about family. Evansville needs a hard working family man as its representative, where souls and not clothes matter. Politics shouldn’t be who you know but what you know. Politics shouldn’t be about how much you raise but how much you’re willing to raise others.

I know some of you don’t know me and there are plenty of my competitors signs already around but I hope you all realize it’s not because I’m not liked or unqualified because the truth is quite the opposite. It’s simply because I am just like you, I am an educated, blue collar worker. I have to work 60 hours a week to provide for my family. I think many of you can appreciate that. I believe this is exactly what we need more of, someone who can understand the everyday struggles and needs of the voters. We can’t elect someone who grew up with a silver spoon and expect that person to know, or understand the difficulties of growing up poor, because the less you have the harder it is.

I am the perfect candidate for Evansville district 77 because I didn’t have ties with the Gail Riecken failed Mayoral campaign,  the Winnecke administration, or any of the city council members. My allegiances are only to the voters. I am not in this for the money, the title, or fame. I don’t plan on becoming a career politician but what I do plan on doing is getting something done, something accomplished, and you better believe if needed I will be the first to stand up and shout for what is right. I do plan on being that voice of the working class that has been ignored way to long.

Evansville is all about family. I’ve met my wife here, I am raising my three children in Evansville. I have bought a home here on the south side. My neighbors welcomed us like family, helped us, and even watched our children. I would be lost without family. I hope you will be willing to open up and get to know me and think of me as family because this is truly that time when someone normal, with common sense has stepped up to fight for the little guy. I know we’ve all asked ourselves, are these folks really.. the best we have to lead our country?

I promise I won’t let you down. I need your help, I’m asking for your vote on May, 3rd .


FOOTNOTE:  Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Have you given anyone an obscene gesture (finger) when someone insulted, harassed or cussed you in public?


  1. I’m leaning toward this guy. Hatfield seems to be the machine’s chosen candidate. I am troubled by Ferguson being “tagged” in a photograph by Carol McClintock on Facebook. Hopefully it was just unsolicited, unauthorized, and the two aren’t friends.

  2. It is dismaying that Comrade Ferguson, although hitting the aw-shucks-I’m-just-like-you and class warrior memes, refuses to identify himself as a Democrat and a liberal Democrat at that. Why do you resist our left-wing identity? It is as though you are trying to conceal it.

    I do appreciate the display of proletarian ignorance by his misspelling the Republican Winnecke’s name and disavowing ties with the “Riecken administration” that never actually existed.

    I believe that before OFI can endorse him (please take notice, Comrade Ghost), we need to know his stand on the best route to Champaign-Urbana, the best hotels there, and whether he has a discreet bank account for sensitive, but very necessary, transactions with the bosses of our leading unions.

    J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
    Maximum co-coordinator
    Organizing for Idiocy
    Evansville Cell

  3. “Gail Riecken failed Mayoral Campaign” should be labeled the democrat party failed itself.
    Gail’s attempt was the worst showing I have seen in my life. She was not mayor material and we let her be our state representative.

    • Well, hatred is an important part of being a loyal Democrat, but sometimes it must be concealed. The problem with the Riecken campaign is that she was surrounded by unrelentingly angry people like Ghost, Bandana, and Elkaybee. I am afraid that tantrums, impotent anger, and tiny fists being shaken at the Republican Winnecke simply had no effect on his “Mr. Positive” persona.

      You must cheer up however and understand that the Republican Winnecke is a functional liberal Democrat.

      J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV

  4. While I don’t know your views on any issues, I sure do agree with this letter.
    How can a rich single white male living in a mansion downtown relate to families and their issues? I’m sure he has a lot of great theories for us little people to make our life better, but I don’t think he has any real life experience.

    hatfield has so much money it is ridiculous, and with Missy Mosby taking him to every event in town, (and his family connections) he has a lot of “friends.”
    i don’t think we’ll ever know what Ferguson has to offer, it is a David v. Goliath race and I think the $$$ and wheeler dealer will win.

  5. It’s always good to see a man such as Mr. Ferguson running. He is a working man representing the working man. He has great idea’s and wants to make some changes we need. We need more family out door things to do. We have a great foundation just needs improving. I believe Mr Ferguson is wanting to change it and make it better. He has my vote.

  6. I have chatted with Mr Ferguson and believe that he is Real and not Fake .
    He seam’s to know exactly what he’s talking about and not throwing up false accusations of ill intent and is seriously concerned about this district and the challenges it faces in the future. Therefore I am behind him all the way.

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