Bosse District Schools to Host Parent Reading Program with Author Tim Rasinski



Thursday, Aug. 29

6:30 p.m.

Bosse High School Auditorium, 1300 Washington Ave.


As a district, the Bosse High School district is focused on increasing the reading level of its students and to help with that, the district is hosting a Family Night tomorrow, Aug. 29, at 6:30 p.m. at Bosse High School with guest speaker Tim Rasinski, author and literacy professor. The program will include tips for parents on improving reading fluency and comprehension in their students.


Rasinski is a professor of literacy at Kent State University and written more than 150 articles and has authored, co-authored or edited more than 15 books or curriculum programs on reading education. In addition, he is the co-author of the award winning fluency program, Fluency First. His research on reading has been cited by the National Reading Panel and has been published in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Reading Psychology, and the Journal of Educational Research.