Home Community News Bobby Knight’s Famous Chair Toss – Hoosier History Highlights

Bobby Knight’s Famous Chair Toss – Hoosier History Highlights


February 23 – March 1

This Week in Indiana History
Indiana Statehouse Tour Office
Guided tours of the Indiana Statehouse are offered Monday through Friday.
For more information contact us. (317) 233-5293 Estanley@idoa.in.gov

February 23, 1985 Bobby Knight, coaching the IU basketball team vs. Purdue, picks up a chair from the IU bench and tosses it across the playing floor. The incident ignites widespread national comment.


February 25, 1779 George Rogers Clark captured Fort Sackville at Vincennes, marking the beginning of the end of British influence in America’s western frontier.

February 27, 1987 The West Baden Springs Hotel in French Lick was named a National Historic Landmark. Built in 1901, the structure has a free-spanning dome that at one time was the largest in the world.



March 1, 1888 The Ball Brothers began glass production in Muncie.  The company became famous for their glass canning jars and grew to become the largest producer of recyclable beverage cans in the world.



Where in Indiana

Do you know where this photo was taken?






Indiana Quick Quiz

1. What are some of the previous names for U. S. Highway 40?
2. How old was Abraham Lincoln when he moved to Indiana?
3. Where did Stephanie White play high school basketball?
4. Where is the only freestanding high school basketball museum in the country?
Answers Below

“Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before.”

–  Kurt Vonnegut, American writer and humorist

Send your favorite Hoosier quote to: RegEdwards@idoa.in.gov


1.The Great Western Road, The old Pike, The Government Road, The Cumberland Road, and The National Road

2. Seven

3. Seeger High School in West Lebanon

4. New Castle



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