Board of School Trustees of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation Meeting


The Board of School Trustees of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation will meet in executive session at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 20, 2020, at the EVSC Administration Building, 951 Walnut, IN 47713, Evansville, IN.

The session will be conducted according to Senate Enrolled Act 313, Section 1, I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1, as amended. The purpose of the meeting is for discussion of the assessment, design, and implementation of school safety and security measures, plans, and systems (3), and job performance evaluation of individual employees (9).


  1. About Covid19 safety in schools

    “To those looking to benefit politically from emergencies, COVID presents an opportunity to advance plans targeted to transform American freedom and the American way of life. Mandatory-masking policies provide a valuable foundation to weaponize the virus against American liberty—now and in the future.” -Molly McCann-

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed this week that coronavirus deaths declined again for the 12th straight week. Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 8.1% during week 27 to 6.4% during week 28, representing the twelfth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. Covid19 is no longer an epidemic.

    Why are the Indiana governor and school boards forcing children to wear masks all day in school? The people that condone and wear masks are too ignorant to realize that they’re breathing in recycled carbon dioxide, not expelling it properly whilst restricting their oxygen intake. Over time, that’ll turn the blood acidic and they’ll end up with acidosis, ideal conditions for cancer to thrive.

    Will prolong mask wearing cause long term sicknesses including cancer?

    “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery; we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied its oxygen requirements.” Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winning Scientist. “Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar.” In recent years, a myriad of other scientific studies from across the world have verified it: Only after a cell is deprived of oxygen (hypoxia) do genetic mutations begin to occur.

    Masks cause cells to be deprived of oxygen! Proven! No Ifs Ands or Buts!

    ” According to Russell Blaylock, MD, There is another danger to wearing these masks on a daily basis, especially if worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath. If they are wearing a mask, especially an N95 mask or other tightly fitting mask they will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs, and the nasal passages.

    I saw a video yesterday; a fellow was driving his car with a mask on. He inhaled a vapor device through his mask and exhaled a cloud of water vapors through his mask. We were told to wear masks to prevent people around us from getting sick. Masks do not prevent virus laden water particles escaping. It is just another myth for the purpose of scaring people into wearing masks.

    Is the “mask” an FDA approved medical device? According to FDA and WHO, a medical device is any article intended for use on humans that claims to, among other things, prevent disease. Therefore, based on the claims made by governors and local health officials the “mask” is a medical device. However, the device is not registered with the FDA for said treatment, and in fact manufacturers of the device claim they are not effective for the very reason government is using to force us to wear them ‘to prevent the spread of a virus’. There is no mask that will prevent the spread of a virus.

    After about two hours masks become damp and thus a breeding ground for bacteria. MDs and Scientists recommend a mask be replaced by a new one every two hours. Has the School Board investigated this? Are our school children going to change their masks every two hours or risk bacterial infections?

    I am sure our liberal friends will shout these bacterial infections are the Covid19 virus. Gotta keep everybody scared!

    Here is a question, how long must a mask be worn? Will we have to wear them indefinitely, or every flu season? Will the necessity of mask-wearing disappear after the November elections? Will we have COVID-20 and thus the masks will never go away?

    What will happen to our children’s immune systems that are no longer strengthened by exposing ourselves to viruses and bacteria around them? How weak will sheltered immune systems become? Will we need to live in a bubble?

    Socialists and Teacher Unions are pushing the numbers so they can force mail-in ballots and keep crazy Joe in the basement. To make us all have weak immune systems and to program this generation of youth to be terrified when they try it again. Separate, segregate, and conquer that’s their goal.

    It is not about a virus, it is about an election!

    I believe the EVSC needs to do more investigations into the harm of wearing masks all day in school! Though it would be tough not to wear masks since the population has been forced fed to believe this is a virus more dangerous than any ever. (NOT)

    Thank you,
    James Beierlein
    (A concerned grandfather)

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