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Board of Public Safety Minutes


City of Evansville SealMINUTES
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Building Commission – Ron Beane Police Department – Chief Billy Bolin
Emergency Management-Sherman Greer Fire Department – Chief Mike Connelly

~ Pledge of Allegiance ~
Business with representatives:

Motion by Mr. Bagbey to have board members, City Engineer, and MPO revisit the “Stop” signs and make a decision at a future meeting, 2nd by Ms. Calloway and so ordered:

1. Randy Weir, 2005 N. Thomas Avenue would like to voice his concerns reference removing the “Stop” signs from Thomas Ave and reinstall on Keck Ave. Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization determined Thomas Ave was the major street and should be provided uninterrupted traffic flow.
Motion by Mr. Gulledge to have Clay Havill, Counsel review the application for Massage Clinic and make updates within the guidelines of the City Ordinance.

2. Mary Morris would like to address the board in reference to the Massage Clinic application.
Kay Qualls with over 30 years of experience also took exception to prostitution being addressed on the application
Joe Killabrew is getting ready to graduate from Ivy Tech with a massage certificate and felt communicable disease should be taken off application.

Motion by Mr. Bagbey, 2nd by Ms. Calloway and so ordered to approve the following signs:

3. Officer Darren Richardson requests approval to post signs reminding motorists to lock vehicles and keep valuables out of sight in the area of the Ford Center, City Parking Garages, and the back forty. The signs will be paid for with Evansville Police Department forfeiture money.

Departmental Reports:

A. Fire Department ~ Chief Mike Connelly
Motion by Ms. Calloway, 2nd by Mr. Bagbey and so ordered to approve the opening of bids:

One bid was received from Brandlee Mountain Fire Apparatus in the amount of $55,000.00 Brandlee Mountain also included a retainer check in the amount of $2,750.00.
The bid will be taken under advisement.

1. Request approval to open bids for the sale of 1Q8.
Motion by Mr. Bagbey, 2nd by Ms. Calloway and so ordered to approve the following request:

2. Request approval to seek quotes for some renovation projects EFD facilities.

B. Special Events ~ Sergeant Steve Evans
Motion by Mr. Bagbey, 2nd by Ms. Calloway and so ordered to approve the following request:

1. Greater Evansville Running and Walking Club requests approval for “Big Bang 4 Miles on the 4th” on July 4, 2013 from 7:30 am until 9:30 am. Close westbound lanes of Franklin Street from 5th to 9th Avenue. ***Barricades requested***
Sergeant Evans informed the board Sculpt EVV was approved for a permit that did not specify they were serving alcohol at their event. When alcohol is being served, security for the event increases. Without that knowledge there was not sufficient security. Sculpt EVV applied for a permit with the ending time being 11:00 pm. When police were dispatched the people involved advised they had a permit until midnight. Sergeant Evans and the board agreed when special events are before the board, a representative for the event must attend the board meeting.

C. Transportation and Services ~ Todd Robertson

1. Install 2 “No Trucks” signs on Sherman St between Virginia St & Columbia St due to large trucks using this street as a cut through which is shaking houses and hitting trees. EPD has been notified by the homeowners.
2. Install 4 “30 MPH” on Louisiana St between Main St & 1st Ave due to a continual speeding problem.
3. Install 2 “Do Not Block Road Awaiting Train Clearance” due to vehicles blocking Kratville Rd awaiting train crossing.
4. Install 4 “No Truck” signs on Mt Vernon Ave between Tekoppel Ave & Franklin St. Requested by homeowners and EPD for enforcement of designated truck routes.
5. Install a southwest bound W2-2R road intersection symbol sign due to the entrance road to Berry Plastics warehouse being hidden to traffic on Ossenberg Ln.
6. Install a W3-3 “Stop Light Ahead” sign on Lynch Rd westbound @ Burkhardt Rd.

D. Building Commission ~ Ron Beane

1. Request approval to open and award bids for the below listed properties:
a. 408 N. 3rd Ave – House
b. 226 S. Tekoppel Ave – Garage only
c. 7400 Newburgh Road – 2 sheds and remove overgrowth of vegetation around sheds
d. 1521 Culver Drive – House and garage
e. 1122-1124 W. Illinois St – House/duplex
f. 1309 S. Linwood Ave – House (Note: Fence next to 1305 S. Linwood is to remain intact)
g. 317 Jefferson Ave – House and three (3) sheds and remove the fence between 317 and 319 Jefferson Ave.
h. 1150 E. Virginia St – Fire damaged house
i. 1619 S. Garvin – House

Consent Section:

A. Massage Clinic
1. Golden Spa 2012 E. Morgan Ave-Owner Yuhua Tan-paperwork in order
B. Taxi Cab Driver’s Permit
1. Request approval for the following to receive taxi cab drivers permit:
a. Vernon Beal, Jr.
b. Gerald Myers
C. Road Closure
1. City of Evansville requests Riverside Drive between Locust and Main St be closed July 13, 2013 from 8:00 am until noon for “We Are Evansville” photo shoot. ***Barricades requested***
2. Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department requests approval to use parts of Career and Venture Streets to conduct various training scenarios July 15th -19th and July 29th – 31st, 2013 (if needed) from 1530-1730 hours and 1930-2130 hours. This closure will not disrupt any traffic flow since school (Southern Indiana Career and Tech Center) is on summer break and there are no residences in this area. During the training deputies will be posted at each point of ingress and egress and can allow any city/county vehicles access.
D. Dumpster
1. 2126 W. Franklin Street – June 27, 2013 – remodel- no longer than 1 week.
2. 403 Enlow Ave – June 27, 2013 – remodel – no longer than 10 days.
E. Taxi Owner Application
1. Dave’s Taxi Service adding 2006 Dodge Caravan 1D4GP45R96B756029
F. Handicap Sign
1. Request approval to remove the following handicap sign:
a. 1213 Mary Street – deceased


1. Approve claims
2. Approve the minutes of Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Next meeting, Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at 1:00 pm