Home General News Board of Public Safety: Minutes

Board of Public Safety: Minutes



JANUARY 10TH, 2018

Building Commission – Ron Beane Police Department – Chief Billy Bolin Transportation & Services – Todd Robertson Fire Department – Chief Mike Connelly

~ Pledge of Allegiance ~

Business with Representatives:
Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the opening of the bids:

1. Debbie Spalding, City of Evansville Purchasing Department, requests approval to open responses received for RFP-01-003-2018-20 for the Towing & Storage of Nuisance, Wrecked & Impounded Vehicles. (Tri-State Towing & Recovery, Feller Towing & Recovery, Inc.)

Departmental Reports:

A. Police Department – Captain Stephanie Cox

  1. Notify the board of Lieutenant Wayne M. Wargel of his retirement, serving 36 years, 4 months and 6 days from the Evansville Police Department as of January 10th, 2018.
  2. Notify the board of Lieutenant David G. Molinet of his retirement, serving 32 years, 2 months and 8 days from the Evansville Police Department as of January 10th, 2018.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

3. Request approval for the reimbursement to Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office for inmate transfer.

Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

4. Request approval to surplus a Sony Voice Recorder, 10 years old no longer operates.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

5. Request approval for the renewal contract with Deaconess Urinalysis Contract.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

6. Request approval for the renewal of the contract with Dr. Luzio.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

7. Request approval for the renewal of the contract with Deaconess for employment physicals.

B. Fire Department – Battalion Chief Charles Hertzberger

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:
1. Request approval for the Medical Direcort Contract with Dr. Peter Stevenson.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

2. Request approval to accept $2,500.00 donation from West Side Nut Club for the purchase of Dive equipment.

C. Building Commission – Ron Beane – NO AGENDA

D. Transportation & Services – Todd Robertson

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

1. Request approval for the following:

a. Install a “No Parking Anytime” signs and paint curbs yellow at Rotherwood Ave, on the west side of the street from Lincoln Ave to Walnut Street.

Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney

E. Special Event Permit – Sgt. Josh Wittmer

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

1. University of Evansville requests approval for the “MLK March Reenactment” on January 15th, 2018 from noon to 1:30 p.m. No road closings, police will be escorting the parade. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL***

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

2. Franklin Street Events Association requests approval for the “Mardi Gras Grand Parade” on February 10th, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Closing Franklin Street from St. Joseph Avenue to Fulton Avenue. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL, BARRICADES REQUESTED***

Tabled until next meeting.

3. Rise Up and Run requests approval for the “Run of Luck” on March 17th, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Closing West Franklin Street from 7th Street to 11th Street. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL, BARRICADES REQUESTED***

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

4. Evansville Courier & Press requests approval for the “Heritage Federal Credit Union Home Show” on April 4th, 2018 from 5:00 a.m. until April 9th, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Closing 9th Street between Locust Street and Walnut Street; Locust Street between 9th Street and Martin Luther King Blvd. Additionally request approval for the first row of parking spots in parking lot be block to allow outdoor vendors to unload. (Back 40 Parking Lot, no HCP parking spots will be blocked, Friday only, Carolyn Franklin (event organizer) attended the meeting)

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

5. Funk in the City requests approval for the “9th Annual Funk in the City Spring Art Festival” on April 21st, 2018 from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Closing 2nd Street between Washington Ave and Jefferson Ave; Adams Ave between 1st Street and Putnum Street. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL, BARRICADES REQUESTED***

Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney


Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

6. National Kidney Foundation of Indiana requests approval for the “Evansville Kidney Walk & Kidney Health Risk Association” on April 21st, 2018 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Closing NW Riverside Drive at the Main Street walkway crossing to the Pigeon Creek Greenway Passages. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL***

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

7. Evansville Police Department requests approval for the “EPD Foundation SWAT Challenge” on May 4th, 2018 from noon until 4:00 p.m. Closing Riverside Drive from Cherry Street to Court Street; Vine Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; Sycamore Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; Main Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; Locust Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; Walnut Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; Chestnut Street from Riverside Drive to 2nd Street; and 1st Street from Vine to Cherry Street. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL, BARRICADES REQUESTED***

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

8. National Eating Disorders Association requests approval for the “NEDA 1 Mile Walk” on May 19th, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Closing Main Street from Riverside Drive to 5th Street, 5th Street from Sycamore Street to Main Street; Sycamore Street from Riverside Drive to 5th Street; Riverside Drive from Sycamore Street to Main Street. ***PENDING INSURANCE APPROVAL, BARRICADES REQUESTED*** (Attorney suggested to move closure from Riverside Drive one block east to avoid closing Riverside Drive for the allotted time.)

Consent Section:

A. Taxi Cab Driver Permits

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following (a.-k.):

1. Request approval for the following taxi cab permits:

  1. Cary Grant – new 2018
  2. Jeff Howlett – renewal 2018
  3. Terry Huey – renewal 2018

    Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney


  1. Gerry Bubenzer – renewal 2018
  2. Robert Douthitt – renewal 2018
  3. David K. Cleaver – new 2018
  4. Michael Mitchell – renewal 2018
  5. James Roddy – new 2018
  6. George R. Shuttle – renewal 2018
  7. Bart J. Stinson – renewal 2018
  8. Michael J. Weaver – new 2018

B. Dumpster In the Street Permit

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

1. Request approval for the following:

a. 517 N Kerth Ave – Tony Rhew – cleaning out a home 1/10/2018 to 1/24/2018

C. Handicap Parking

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

1. Request approval for the following handicap parking:

  1. 301 N.W. MLK Jr. Blvd – Tracy J. Benbrook
    This residence does not have any off-street parking, the property qualifies for an on- street handicap parking space which will be located on Court Street in the first parking space east of N.W. MLK Blvd.
  2. 1616 Delmar Ave – Dena Hollis
    This residence qualifies for an on-street handicap parking space.
  3. 917 S Dexter Ave – Dexter School
    Approved for on-street handicap parking space, paid for by EVSC, work by City.

Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney

 D. Massage Clinic Permit

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

1. Request approval for the following:
i. DuKane Skin Care, Inc. – 2805 Lincoln Ave – Renewal 2018

1. Approve claims. (No Claims.)

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

2. Approve the minutes from Wednesday, December 6th, 2017.

Motion by Mike Lauderdale, 2nd by Mike Retter and so ordered to approve the following:

3. Request for comments from public. Announcements:
Next Meeting, January 24th, 2018.

Adjourned: 1:20 p.m. ML/MR

Board of Public Safety Evansville, Indiana

Michael Retter, President Mike Lauderdale, Vice President Kayce Zeller, Member Aaron Trump, Counsel Attorney