Board of County Commissioners-Old National Events Plaza today


Board of County Commissioners-Old National Events Plaza
APRIL 13, 2021

3:00 P.M.


1. Reconvene Emergency Meeting


2. Attendance


3. Pledge of Allegiance


4. Action Items


A. First Reading of Ordinance No. CO.03-21-007: An Ordinance Establishing the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP)
B. Resolution No. CO.R-04-21-005: A Resolution Re-Establishing Cumulative Bridge Fund & Notice to Taxpayers of hearing on Cumulative Bridge Fund
C. Health Department:
1. COVID-19 Vaccine Update
2. Grant Agreement with Ryan White
3. Administrative Aid Contract with Tammy Witham
4. Nurse Vaccinator Contract with Timothy Case
D. County Engineer:
1. DNR Construction in Floodway Permit for Franklin Street Bridge
2. Sidewalk Waiver Request for Westridge Commons Subdivision on Strueh Hendricks Road
3. Mainstream Fiber Networks Permit for Lynch Road
4. Administrative Settlements for Boonville New Harmony Road Right of Way Offers:
1. Parcel 26-Anlsinger
2. Parcel 50-Leinenbach
5. Department Head Reports
6. New Business
7. Old Business
8. Consent Items
A. Approval of March 30, 2021 Emergency Meeting Minutes and March 29 Special Meeting Minutes
B. Employment Changes
C. County Engineer:
1. Department Reports and Claims
2. Pay Request No. 76: U.S. 41 Expansion TIF
3. Travel Request for 2021 Indiana Association of County Engineers and Supervisors Conference
041321Travel Req Attachment:
D. Sheriff’s Office Surplus Requests
Surplus Memo Attachment:
E. County Clerk Surplus Request
F. County Auditor: Claims Voucher Reports 3/29/2021-4/2/2021 & 4/5/2021-4/9/2021
G. Coliseum Gaming Commission Letter
H. The Arc of Evansville Reports
1. December 2020
2. January 2021
3. February 2021
9. Public Comment
10. Recess Meeting