Board of Commissioners Agenda




Vanderburgh County

Board of Commissioners

July 31, 2018

3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Action Items 
    1. Resolution CO.R-07-18-009 in Support of adding an Additional Vanderburgh Superior Court Judicial Officer 
  5. Board Appointment 
  6. Department Head Reports
  7. New Business
  8. Old Business
    1. Jail Discussion 
  9. Consent Items
    1. Contracts, Agreements and Leases
      1. Superior Court: Dell Financing Lease Schedule for Cisco Phone Systems & Dell Equipment
      2. Purdue Extension Office: Phone Upgrade
        1. Contract with Spectrum
        2. Phone and Internet Service and Maintenance Support Contract with ANCS
      3. Health Department:
        1. Business Associates Agreement with Connections Sign Language Interpreting 
        2. Pre to 3 Project Coordinator/Liaison with Mikelle Rabuck  under the Safety PIN Grant 
    2. Approval of July 17, 2018 Meeting Minutes
    3. Employment Changes 
    4. Veterans Council: New Management Letter 
    5. Surplus Request: 
      1. Health Department Computer Equipment 
      2. County Clerk Filing Cabinets 
      3. Circuit Court and Adult Probation Computer Equipment 
    6. Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana: July 2018 Monthly Report 
    7. County Commissioners: 
      1. Screening Labor Transfer Request 
      2. Loss Control Initiative Letter
    8. Weights and Measures: June 15 through July 16, 2018 Monthly Report 
    9. County Treasurer: June 2018 Monthly Report
    10. County Auditor: 7/16-7/20/18 & 7/23-7/27/18 Claims Voucher Report 
    11. Superintendent of County Buildings: Old Courthouse Boiler Hot Water Pump Repair Quote
    12. County Engineering:
      1. Department Head Report 
      2. Pay Request #42 U.S. 41 Expansion T.I.F. for the sum of $56,766.19
      3. Claims
  10. Adjournment