Blackard Hits the Airwaves with 1st TV AD


Barry Blackard, candidate for Vanderburgh Superior Court Judge in the Juvenile Division, hits the airwaves today with his first television ad entitled “Integrity.” The ad will run on cable and during local broadcast television newscasts over the next two weeks.

The campaign commercial provides information about Blackard’s local roots and qualifications, including his years working as a public defender in Vanderburgh County where he has handled hundreds of cases in both Circuit and Superior Courts, including the Juvenile Division. The ad’s message includes a pledge that Blackard will not accept contributions from lawyers or others appearing before his court, a current practice that could create possible conflicts of interest. The commercial refers to Blackard as “a new kind of people’s judge.”

“As the campaign unfolds, I look forward to meeting personally with as many voters as possible to discuss problems with our current courts,” Blackard said. “I will be a full time judge and will make sure the courts are more accountable to the taxpayers.”

Blackard, 32, is an Evansville native and graduate of Evansville Central High School. He attended undergraduate school at Indiana University in Bloomington and earned his law degree from Atlanta’s John Marshall School of Law. He and his wife Kristyn reside on Evansville’s North side with their two sons.

If you would like more information, please contact Barry at


  1. Blackard claims that he will bring integrity to the bench. I wish someone would ask him what his definition of integrity is. Webster defines the word as meaning:
    Definition of INTEGRITY
    : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility

    Blackard seems to see a little shade of gray in that definition. He seems to be enticing voters by giving out I-pads, Holiday World and professional baseball tickets, donuts, and backpacks filled with school supplies. His Blackard for Judge Facebook page promises a $10 bill to those who post his bumper sticker. Wow!!!!

    How is that different from old school politicians who used to give out half-pints of liquor for a vote?

    Profile Picture
    Brett Niemeier is the real deal!!!!!! Vote for experience and real integrity!

  2. Blackards version of integrity includes buying an election. Tell me where a $70 k a year public defender comes up with the thousands of dollars that he has already spent not to mention the Tens of thousands of dollars hes going to spend on Tv ads. Who is funding Blackard? Who is he taking money from?

  3. Niemeier has the experience , INTEGRITY, and knowledge . Blackard has the money , obviously not
    The integrity looking at his tactics so far in the campaign, and
    Hardly any knowledge of the juvenile system whatsoever

    Niemeier will win by a landslide. Keep wasting your money Barry !!

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