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Bill to Increase the Amount of Tax Captured from the Evansville Professional Sports and Convention Development Area To Be Heard in Ways and Means


On Wednesday afternoon (1/29), the Indiana House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on a bill that will have a significant impact on Evansville and Vanderburgh County. HB 1451, authored by Tim O’Brien and co-authored by Wendy McNamara, Matt Hostettler, and Alex Burton, will increase the amount of tax money captured from the Evansville Professional Sports and Convention Development Area.

The current tax cap is $10 per resident, and revenue generated in 2024 was $680,000. Under HB 1451 the revenue cap would be $5,000,000, allowing a significant amount of money to be available for sports-related development.


Read the full text of the bill here.


  1. At the same time HB 1451 is being discussed, there is serious discussion re: the omnibus bill to use TIF monies outside a TiF district for possibly non- economic projects by RDA’s. Is there a project(s) being discussed locally for all this money? Check out January 22 House of Representatives Ways and Means.


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