Bill to Extend Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for PTSD is Moving Through the Statehouse


A recent study from the National Center for PTSD found that about 23% of veterans using Veterans Administration care had PTSD at some point in their lives. To help meet their needs, House Bill 1120 would extend the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs’ hyperbaric oxygen treatment pilot program to June 30, 2027.

Since 2019, Indiana has offered a hyperbaric oxygen treatment pilot program for PTSD in veterans. Patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen treatment are given an increased delivery of oxygen in a high-pressured enclosed space to stimulate brain repair, emotional regulation and cognitive functions that can reduce symptoms of PTSD.

Cindy Ledbetter

The author of the bill, Representative Cindy Ledbetter said, “For the past few years, we have been offering an innovative therapy for PTSD and with my legislation, we could continue this important program.”