Better Outcomes For Juvenile Offenders

Better Outcomes For Juvenile Offenders
by Wendy McNamara

All youth deserve the greatest chance to succeed, but unfortunately, some young Hoosiers face difficulties and find themselves in the criminal justice system. According to an Indiana Youth Institute report, 70% of all juvenile offenders suffer from some form of mental illness, and children who experience abuse and neglect are 55% more likely to be arrested.

It’s my mission to help connect nonviolent youth with counseling and provide a better path forward, rather than just relying on detention. With the passage of a new law I authored, our communities will continue to be safe as we take steps to reduce juvenile recidivism rates and address the root causes of criminal behavior, like trauma and mental health issues

Rather than being incarcerated or placed in detention, nonviolent youth offenders will now receive counseling for mental health and behavioral issues. Children younger than 12 years old will not be detained unless it is essential for a community’s safety and no reasonable alternative exists. Data, like this Council of State Governments report, shows youth who participate in diversion programs or counseling are significantly less likely to re-offend.

Moving forward, we will hopefully no longer find children in juvenile detention centers who do not belong there. With this new law, it’s my expectation we’ll see fewer youth locked up and reduce the likelihood of a child returning to the criminal justice system.