Best Comments of the Week


    The City-County Observer appreciates our readers and your opinions on what you read on this site. We encourage you to share your thoughts in the comment section of every story. Here are some of the best comments this week:

    On the Joe Wallace article called The Campaign-to-Nonprofit Pipeline: A Loophole in Election Fundraising?” Sam said, “The next 4 years, will hopefully, take a serious look at nonprofits. Time to take churches to task for political involvement of any type, including get out the vote. They would not conduct a get out the vote drive without some knowledge of the desired outcome. All NGO involvement should receive a critical look. Just too much Sneagal business going on.”

    Our story “State Comptroller Votes for Pension Fund to Hire Alternative Asset Manager to BlackRock” brought this comment from Joe, “There’s always political agenda when it comes to government jobs! Hope this company makes better decisions than Blackrock!”

    Regarding our story, “Christmas: How It All Started with Christ’s Mass,” Eviltaxpayer said, “2024 years ago the greatest King was born unto our Earth.”

    And, regarding an IS IT TRUE? column that referenced the new car parked in the mayor’s spot, Christina wrote, “Was the new car for Mayor Terry in the 2024 city budget? Just curious how it was funded.”