


  1. A spot on political cartoon. Obama, Hillary and Rice intentionally lied to the American public. The liberal left media were willing accomplices is the cover-up of their lies. Thank you CCO Editors.

        • Why Commonsense, I don’t see “lie of the century” in his post anywhere.

          Why do you ask and why was it any of your business what I asked him to begin with?…

          • Just curious, regulator, if you were a dem lemming who looks at a post, makes up words the poster didn’t say, then replies to your made up words. I found out.

          • You may have a point here.

            $5 million dollars the Pubs may have just as soon thrown out in a ditch with this politically created Select Committee compared to the $2 trillion turning Iraq into a province of Iran all because of a lie doesn’t seem to rise to the “century” grade come to think about it.

            Score one for CS…….

          • Banned Joe.

            I believe they figured they needed an anecdote for loonpilot or else they missed my pretty face.

            Anyway, I’m back bro and I look for me and you to get along just fine….

        • There have been several lies CS: “We’ll repeal Obamacare.” “We’re banning gay marriage.” “We’ll refuse to pass any budget without cuts, just shut it down.” “We’re gonna tear Hillary apart at the Benghazi hearings!” Take your pick.

      The GOP is has so mishandled this Benghazi thing, Hillary came out of the hearings yesterday looking more Presidential than ever. Donald Trump complains about a three hour debate. Hillary Clinton WENT ELEVEN HOURS!
      The GOP even hosted her. The House GOP Committee gave her the microphone and the stage!
      How bad?
      This is the summary today on the hearing FROM CONSERVATIVES!:
      1. Conservative writer at the right wing Washington Examiner Bryan York, “The day was a bust. In other words, no big deal. And that is very, very good news for Hillary Clinton,” York wrote.
      2. Right-wing radio host ERICK ERICKSON: “It was all a political spectacle, a waste of time. They’re helping Hillary become President. It was a bunch of carnival road show of back bench congress critters playing to the cameras.”
      3. Matt Lewis from the Daily Beast: “Hillary Clinton won’t merely survive this hearing — she has come out on top!”
      4. Michael Brendan Dougherty from the Week: “Hillary = Lucy. House GOP = Charlie Brown. Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.


      • (At some point, the GOP will be known for proposing ideas, not just saying “no.”
        There is no hope in the GOP’s message. None. It is all “Well, I don’t like the other guy.”
        “Me? What? GOP ideas? I don’t know. I’ll just do it. And I know I think the other guy is bad.”
        Campaign slogans like that — LOSE. No hope. Reagan talked about the City on a Hill.
        Today, all the GOP can talk about is “owebama” and “Benghazi” It is hopeless.
        Read what BALLOONPILOT writes every day. Perfect example. Just whining and complaining.)

        • I just love getting your head to explode. Read what I write every day? You have posted the exact same message every day for a week. You are absolutely obsessed.Must suck to be you.

          • BALLOONPILOT:
            It’s been different message every day.
            GOP Speaker of the House elections.
            GOP Benghazi hearings.
            GOP Presidential primary race.
            GOP guy leading the polls is for socialized medicine for God’s sake.
            It’s all on fire.
            Not just any fire….an out of control trash dumpster fire.
            You’re mistaking the trash on fire all around you as the same message every day.
            BP: You would kill to have something victorious to talk about…..but you don’t.

    • Cult members always say everybody else is a liar and only the cult can show the light and the way.

  2. 11 hours of clinton lying. No surprise there. Real Americans, those who actually love this country (sorry, db, that lets you out) need to gather in dc and burn it to the ground. There are very few governments on this planet that are more corrupt than our own.

    • …BP, you just sound like a guy everybody…can not wait!!…. to show up for Sunday dinner.
      You’re mad. I get it. You expected so much more, and walked away with nothing.
      Hillary did well. That pisses you off. The House GOP looked like goons, that makes you even madder.

      • hillary was pinned to the wall – But the media is so in the tank for her, so biased, so corrupt, there is no hope.
        Not talking about hillary getting a pass, no hope for this nation. And it can all be blamed traced to liberalism.

        • …you keep getting your ass handed to you BP, and always, it’s the fault of somebody else.

    • Pressanykey,
      I think Hillary is ok with not winning the Homeschoolers and Evangelical voters over.

      • (….in fact….I think the Republican Party is fine with not winning those voters over too. You know this PAK, and while you don’t like to admit that you have no place in the GOP, it makes you mad, mad, mad.)

  3. The IBD editorial summarized the situation by the next morning as follows:

    “When President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton stepped into the Rose Garden the morning of September 12, they likely knew [correction: they surely knew] the attack on our Benghazi consulate the day before was organized by terrorists. They knew because they were privy to a flurry of emails among administration officials discussing the attack in real time. Yet they said nothing about what they knew and, worse, had done nothing to mount a rescue despite American forces being less than an hour away during the seven hour blitz. According to Fox News, 300 to 400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. These people work directly under the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials.”

    • Talk about having SO little to try to pin on Hillary Clinton, that THIS is what you come up with?
      Well, ok then.
      This offends you Pressanykey?
      The Bush White House and Dick Cheney used Judith Miller to supply and plant false, lying stories about WMD in Iraq in the New York Times. (She got fired over it, so she paid a price.)
      Did THAT offend you PAK?

      • Don. Judith Miller also was jailed for refusing to name her source. How do you know?
        FYI: WMDs were found in Iraq. They were brought to the U.S. and destroyed.

          • Your dem propaganda is woefully inept. Chemical weapons were found and brought to the U.S. and rendered inoperable.
            Not surprising you didn’t know that.

          • Oh, I know about it. Small, shallow people tried to pretend some old jugs of chemicals were WMD’s. Only people who believe Obama was born in Kenya think those jugs were the WMD’s Bush/Cheney said were in Iraq.

          • Too late. Bush/Cheney screwed up the entire Middle East going to war by mistake.
            How? Ask Dick Cheney!!

      • Don. Hillary blamed the lack of security on ambassador Stevens, the DEAD ambassador Stevens. She also blamed the entire Libya fiasco on—— Obama. You probably missed that. She said that’s what you get when you withdraw troops too soon from volatile areas. Only truth she told all day.
        Worthless political witch hunt? Tell that to surviving family members of those who died there.
        Since I didn’t watch her testimony, and since I’m sure you were glued to Fox News watching it, did she mention the cause of a U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans trying to defend him was a video that hardly anyone had seen?

        • COMMONSENSE…rehashing the same old crap on this Benghazi thing.
          You’re repeating the same old talking points!
          That was all discussed eight hearings ago, in the FIRST hearing.
          What was the point yesterday? Same stuff? Why do that?
          Or was it to present the case in a way that proved what you said is true?
          Was it proved to be true…what you said?
          Nope. I mean they had 11 hours of access, and an eighth hearing CS.
          The only thing to CONCLUDE is “We’re using Congressional Hearings to stop the Democrat Nominee for President.”
          That was obvious to the entire country. (And OK w/ the Sovereign Nation/Tea Party types.)
          In fact, it was so obvious, Rush Limbaugh is LIVID today. You too. The House GOP failed.

          • Don. You brought it up. Ask the families of those killed what they thought of Hillary’s “testimony”. She blamed the dead ambassador and Obama. Any word on the video no one saw?
            How do you know Judith Miller’s source?
            You may be surprised to know I got from Republicans exactly what I’ve come to expect from Washington Republicans.

          • I REPEAT: these talking points you keep re-stating were ALL discussed EIGHT hearings ago. Yesterday’s hearing found nothing and proved nothing. Except: The House GOP is trying to exploit Congressional powers to defeat the Dem nominee.

            You guys accomplish nothing re-stating what we know from EIGHT hearings ago.
            The GOP LOST GROUND against Hillary yesterday because of it. And you guys are too.

  4. Charge her with something or move on. This circus has gone on long enough. There’s a reason Gowdy won’t release how much this farce has cost the taxpayers. So much for “fiscal conservatives” I guess. I’m a Sanders supporter.

  5. Hillary reports record breaking fundraiser!!

    Over 100,000 NEW contributors logged in to HIllary’s website to contribute between 8 and 9 Eastern



  6. 600 requests for more security: DENIED
    hillary told Egypt it was a planned attack by al qaeda
    hillary told Saudi Arabia it was a planned attack by al qaeda
    hillary told her family it was a planned attack by al qaeda
    hillary told Americans it was a video… True

    • Odds are you have never heard of Ahmed Abu Khattala loonpilot. Odds are you didn’t know he was captured in Benghazi last June by our Delta Force and brought here. Odds are you haven’t heard he was the ring leader (caught on the security cameras) of the Benghazi attack and our FBI learned he told the people around him the video ticked him off and the consulate was where he decided to take it out on.

      Now, explain to me exactly what it is your beloved Pubs are trying to find out in these hearings so I have a better understanding of giving you my unfettered opinion.

      By the way, just like the criminal that he is, he claimed under interrogation he was directing traffic and that is something I look for you to believe loonybin…..

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