Home Political News Becker: Communities In Senate District 50 Receive More Than $600,000 In Road-Funding...

Becker: Communities In Senate District 50 Receive More Than $600,000 In Road-Funding Grants


Becker: Communities In Senate District 50 Receive More Than $600,000 In Road-Funding Grants

STATEHOUSE (April 30, 2021) — Communities in Senate District 50 will receive more than $600,000 to improve roads and bridges through the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program (CCMG), said State Sen. Vaneta Becker (R-Evansville).

The CCMG, established by the Indiana General Assembly in 2016, aims to advance community infrastructure projects, strengthen local transportation networks and improve Indiana’s roads and bridges. Since it was put into place, the program has awarded more than $930 million in state matching funds for local construction projects.

In Senate District 50, Vanderburgh County received $255,263.20 and Warrick County received $350,675.98.

“It’s encouraging to see Vanderburgh and Warrick’s counties take advantage of this road-funding grant program,” Becker said. “Even during a public health crisis, our local officials had the foresight to apply for the CCMG in order to make important infrastructure upgrades.”

Through the program, the Indiana Department of Transportation matches up to $1 million annually when localities invest in road and bridge repairs. Counties with populations fewer than 50,000 and cities and towns with populations fewer than 10,000 receive a 75%/25% match, while counties with populations of greater than 50,000 and cities and towns with populations of greater than 10,000 receive a 50%/50% match.

FOOTNOTES:  To view the full list of communities receiving matching funds, visit in.gov/indot/2390.htm(

A full breakdown of the Community Crossings Awards can be found here.)



  1. Road infrastructure? It’s expensive. Right?


    How much does it cost to build ONE MILE of two-lane road?

    $ 3,000,000 per mile.
    ONE MILE of road.

    This Press Release was prepared and issued for $600,000. And the CCO? It printed it.


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