Dear Constituents
I’ve been serving this community for half of my life. I’ve had some great mentors with those who first got me involved in local politics like political icons Larry Aiken, Curt John, Barb Ziemer, and Mark Owen.
My professional career has always been about public service. Throughout my career, I have learned the importance of providing outstanding customer service that is focused on honesty, communication, and transparency. For almost half of my adult life, I’ve provided quality service to the people of this community as a meteorologist; Vanderburgh County Assessor; and At-Large Evansville City Council member, and to numerous homebuyers and sellers as a Realtor.
A lot of things have changed over the years and I believe it’s time for me to make a change in my political party affiliation.  After considering making this change for the past year and consulting with family, close friends, current and past elected officials, it became obviously clear that it’s time for me to change my political party affiliation.
As of today, I shall become a bonafide member of the Vanderburgh County Republican party where I know that my political philosophy will be better appreciated and will also have a positive impact on our community.


  1. It appears numerous elected-as-a-Democrat politicians in Indiana are changing to the Republican Party. I’m sure some of the reasoning is for political career’s sake, but like the Vanderburgh and Posey Sheriffs, some are doing it because they can’t morally be a part of the new Democrat Socialist Anti-American Party that has replaced the Party of Jefferson and Jackson.

  2. I don’t believe there is such a thing as the ‘Democrat Socialist Anti-American Party’. Anyone who would hang their hat on Jefferson or Jackson should know this is 2021 not 1830.

    • Anyone who calls oneself a Democrat is out of the loop of patriotism. Why do you believe so many long time Democrats are leaving the DSA-A Party (the party of de-funding the police, open borders for alien invaders, shutting down church services, closing family businesses while big box stores are allowed to prosper, and stealing elections) for the party of Lincoln, the Great Emancipator?

      • First off whomever in the Hell you are, there is not a patriotism bone in Mop Head’s body other than for Himself. If you voted for this pathetic freak, you should be ashamed of yourself.

        When it comes to “long time Democrats leaving the Party”, it was the votes of intelligent, patriotic Republicans that made the difference defeating Mop Head nationally.

        “Defunding the police.” This one amazes me. That is EXACTLEY what Orange Puke and McConnell are doing by not wanting to subsidize the States for the Fed’s disastrous handling of the virus.

        Side Note; Stormy’s Squeeze and Turtle Face are chastising the States for financial irresponsibility after racking up $7 trillion dollars of national debt in 4 years. True dummy?

        “Deporter in Chief” – That’s what Big O was called for deporting more people than Loud Mouth will ever dream of deporting.

        And last but not least, “stealing elections” – That sir is the most un-American, seditious, ignorant and dangerous thing a commie loving Trump supporter could possibly say.

        The United States of America dodged a fatal bullet this last election Victory, and “no doubt”, that went right over your Pumpkin Loving Head.

        I just Thank God I’m not you….

    • So true, Bandanna. People who spout cliches to make their point can’t or won’t think on their own. They need others vacant and meaningless words to think for them.

  3. “Pence Welcomes Futile Bid by G.O.P. Lawmakers to Overturn Election” – Today

    No, tell them you are an American you pissy ass coward!

    You people make me SICK!


    • I took them breaths and relaxed until I read that Shar Pie.

      Honest to God, are you people nuts, or just treasonous?

      Or both?

      Jesus Friggin Christ!….

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