Bailey George Memorial 5K set for Saturday


Race to begin at 9 a.m. 

 The loss of University of Evansville runner Bailey George from cancer earlier this year had such an impact on the Purple Aces program and the Evansville community.  Head coach Don Walters is going to make sure that her memory will continue to live on as he has announced the formation of the Bailey George Memorial 5K Walk/Run.

Set for this Saturday, August 6, the race will take place at the Angel Mounds Cross Country Course in Evansville at 9 a.m.  The course was the sight of the 2015 Missouri Valley Conference Championships.  It will be a non-timed event, but a clock will be placed at the finish line for participants to view their times.  A 400-meter children’s event will also take place that day.

Cost of entry is just $15 with proceeds going to the Bailey George Scholarship Fun.  Donations are also welcome.  All participants will receive a commemorative medal.

“What happened to Bailey is just tragic. For someone to be taken so young, it touches everyone,” Walters said.  “The only way that we can remember things is to put them out there and deal with it.  When we do that, we make things better.  We know that Bailey is in a great place and she is watching over us.  We hope that we get able to get great a lot of community support and put on a great event in Bailey’s honor.”